January 2024: The China AM ID Database is a radio database archiving top-of-hour station IDs and time pips of 637 AM stations and networks in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan for the use of radio hobbyists as well as for educational and historical archiving purposes. This database includes 53 hours of primarily studio-quality audio consisting of more than 95% of the Chinese-language AM radio band in addition to resources to help identify stations.
• Jump to China Frequency List
• Jump to Taiwan Frequency List
• Jump to Hong Kong Frequency List
• Jump to Regional Language List
• Jump to China Station List & Resources
• Jump to Taiwan Station List & Resources
• Jump to Hong Kong Station List & Resources
• Jump to About the Author
• Percentage of the AM radio band covered by this guide: 95.6% of 3,046 stations total
China: 95.6% of a total 2,924 stations (all individual stations) or 90.4% of a total 1,203 stations (assuming only one station or network per frequency and omitting stations with multiple outlets per frequency).
Taiwan: 95.7% of a total 115 stations (all individual stations) or 95.4% of a total 108 stations (assuming only one station or network per frequency and omitting stations with multiple outlets per frequency).
Hong Kong: 100% of a total 6 stations on 7 frequencies (all individual stations on the Hong Kong band).
• Total number of audio files: 1,521 station IDs with a total of 53 hrs. 18 mins. and 55 secs. of audio. Pre-editing, a total of 170 hours of audio were manually recorded as part of approximately 2,000 files

PURPOSE: This database is a collection of Chinese-language top-of-hour IDs on the AM band. Due to the size of China and the sheer number of stations broadcasting within both its borders and neighboring Taiwan, Chinese-language stations are among the most commonly received by hobbyist listeners around the world. Many of these listeners don’t understand Chinese and accumulate a large number of unidentified stations. Furthermore, many of these stations — especially rural and talk stations — don’t provide IDs aside from at the half hour and top of the hour (start of the hour). This guide hopes to remedy this situation by providing these audio IDs for easy comparison and simpler identification without having to request as much assistance.
The purpose of this guide is not to include locations or information on multiple transmitting locations for networks, but to show only available networks on each frequency. It is the responsibility of the listener to research further information. Guides such as the WRTH, the MWLIST database, Alan Davies’ Asiawaves, or Bruce Portzer’s Pacific-Asian Log are highly recommended for this task and complement this project.
ORGANIZATION: Stations are first organized by frequency, which is then followed by an alphabetical index and a collection of stations by language. Top-of-hour IDs, a rather essential tool in identifying Chinese reception, are available for each station — typically two or more per station — including half-hour IDs that have identifiable time pips, which are used by only 15% of all Chinese stations.
HOW TO READ: While IDs are included for each station on the band, spoken IDs in respective clips must be located by the user, so some knowledge of Chinese IDs is helpful in advance. ID tags of each audio file include the time (Beijing Time / UTC+8) and date of the recording; IDs for this project were recorded between May 2021 and February 2022 as well as between November 2023 and January 2024. Audio files are labeled with the station’s flagship frequency or the most powerful frequency on which it broadcasts, if either exist.
Understanding station listings: The following example includes two top-of-hour IDs and one half-hour ID for the station shown below.
English station name / Chinese station name / all frequencies station is heard on / links to IDs heard at :00 and :30 (will open in a separate tab on most browsers) / time pip patterns at :00, plus :30 if available / language if different from Mandarin
Zhongshan Happy / 中山电台快乐888 / 747 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 pips, ticking clock at :30 / Cantonese
Understanding station color coding: Stations are color-coded in both the frequency list and alphabetical list to show the stations or networks most likely to be received at a distance. Those listening from afar should check the color-coded stations first. When more than one station of a network is available on a frequency, the station with the highest transmitting power is selected, i.e., if ten CNR stations on a frequency broadcast at 10kw and just one at 200kw, the color-coded listing on that frequency is for 200kw as that is the one distant listeners are most likely to receive.
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声: stations with power 25-100kw are displayed in green
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声: stations in excess of 100kw are displayed in blue
Understanding time pips: Time pips are categorized by being “standard,” i.e., simple pips or beeps, especially in the 5 short + 1 long pattern, and “non-standard,” which may include music, jingles, double pips, or pips with different spacing as compared to the usual. This guide does its best to describe each pattern, though these patterns change over time and many stations also use time pips intermittently or not at all. In addition, many stations will change programming feeds at the top of the hour, such as switching to a CNR News time block in the 6am or 6pm hour, which uses its own 5+1 pips for the hour that will override the local station’s pips. Those listed as 0+1 pips indicate that the short pips are absent and only the ending long pip is present. Even standard pips may vary slightly in length or pitch.
Examples of different standard patterns follow:
Standard 5+1 | 4+1 | 3+1 | 2+1 | 1+1 | 0+1 | 1+0
Examples of different non-standard patterns may include car horn beeps, clock sounds, and more. A 51-minute audio compilation of non-standard pips can be found above.
Non-standard 4+1 | 3+1 | 3+1 | 2+1 | 4+3 chimes | 2+1 car horns | 7-tone chimes

Broadcasting languages: The primary language of the station is shown when different from Mandarin (with the exception of Taiwanese stations where Mandarin is not the native language), though many stations broadcasting in local dialects still run Mandarin-language ads and/or IDs despite broadcasting in minority languages. Stations are organized by language at the end of this guide with each language group including resources to help identify stations. Languages that are broadcasted only during assigned programming blocks are included for each station when available. With some networks — such as Taiwan Radio, broadcasting programming on multiple frequencies all which run different station IDs — clips may have originated on one frequency and are included in the listings of others for simplicity, therefore a different station ID and frequency may be heard. This can be determined by looking at the file name and listed frequency from which the recording originated.

Learn your numbers or how to tell the time in Mandarin, both of which may greatly help with IDing stations and generally understanding important content.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the guide below has updated information and research that may not match the content of the aforementioned resources. In addition, some stations listed below may have since gone off the air and may now be available only on FM. In fact, numerous stations changed names, formats, frequencies, and time pip patterns between the start and finish of this project alone. Station audio is included for historical purposes and for the fact that these stations may not yet be off the air, though it may be assumed by foreign listeners for having not recently received them. Because China is a massive nation with the number of stations on the air in the thousands and information hard to come by without being “on the ground,” this guide errs on the side of caution, potentially — even purposely — including outdated listings.
Audio of all stations presented in this guide are recorded by Chris Kadlec except where otherwise noted.
Complete Frequency Lists: China

[ 500 kHz ]

Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
Xizang Tibetan / 西藏藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips / Tibetan

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-5 Voice of the Taiwan Strait / 中央广播电视总台台海之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhengzhou News / 郑州新闻广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Hebei Farmers / 河北农民广播 / :00 / no time pips
Nujiang Comprehensive / 怒江综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xinjiang Uyghur Comprehensive / 新疆维吾尔语综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Tianjin Crosstalk / 天津相声广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips

Luoyang Comprehensive / 洛阳综合广播 / :00 :00 / single clock chime
Quanzhou News / 泉州新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime

Changchun Rural Opera / 长春乡村戏曲广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Chaoyang News Comprehensive / 朝阳新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 / single beep
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
Henan Information / 河南信息广播 河南电台乐龄 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jiangsu Voice of Jinling / 江苏广播网金陵之声 / :00 :00 :00 / 2+1 car horn pips
Jinchang Comprehensive / 金昌综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jincheng News Comprehensive / 晋城新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nanyang City / 南阳城市广播 / :00 :00 :30 / 4+3 musical clock chimes
Qiqihar Rural / 齐齐哈尔乡村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Southeast China / 中国东南广播公司 / :00 (sign-on) :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xinyu Comprehensive / 新余综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 / no time pips
Yanbian Korean News / 延边朝鲜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips / Korean

Shandong Economic / 山东经济广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Xizang Tibetan / 西藏藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips / Tibetan

[ 600 kHz ]

Anhui Life Voice of the City / 安徽城市之声 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Beijing Story / 北京故事广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-3 Voice of Music / 中央人民广播电台音乐之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
CRI Cantonese / 中国国际广播电 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) / no time pips / Cantonese
CRI EZFM / 中国国际广播电台轻松调频 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / English
CRI Vietnamese / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Vietnamese
Fujian Economic / 福建经济台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, single beep at :30
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Guangxi Education / 广西教育广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, single at :30
Guizhou Economic / 贵州经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Hebei Travel Culture / 河北旅游文化广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Henan Information / 河南信息广播 河南电台乐龄 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Ili Uyghur Comprehensive / 伊犁维吾尔语综合广播 / :00 :00 / 4+1 slow time pips / Uyghur
Jiangsu Arts / 江苏文艺广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Jiangsu Health / 江苏健康广播 / :00 :00 :00 / two-tone bell chime
Jiangxi Livelihood / 江西民生广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin City Economic / 吉林市经济广播 / :00 :00 / music box chimes
Jilin Economic / 吉林经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Music / 吉林音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nantong Economic / 南通经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Pingxiang Comprehensive / 萍乡综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Qinghai Tibetan / 青海藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips / Tibetan
Qinhuangdao Private Car / 秦皇岛私家车广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shaanxi Economic Private Car / 陕西经济汽车广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips, English ID
Shaanxi Story / 陕西故事广播 / :00 :00 / 2 clock pips followed by ticking
Shandong Comprehensive / 山东综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Shanghai CBN / 第一财经广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Suzhou Music / 苏州音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Wuhan Traffic / 武汉交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / music chimes, standard 2+1 at :30, English ID
Xinjiang Comprehensive / 新疆综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / standard 5+1 time pips
Xinjiang Uyghur Comprehensive / 新疆维吾尔语综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur
Yanbian Korean News / 延边朝鲜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips / Korean
Yangquan Comprehensive / 阳泉综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 or 5+1 time pips, 2+0 at :30, English ID
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Yunnan Voice of Traffic / 云南交通之声 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips, English ID
Zaozhuang Economic Life / 枣庄经济生活广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhangjiakou Agricultural Economics / 张家口农业经济广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips
Zhejiang Quality Life / 浙江品质生活广播 女主播电台 / :00 :00 / 5-tone music chime

CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Guangdong Cultural & Sports / 广东文体广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips / Cantonese
Liaoning Voice of Liaoning / 辽宁之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Linyi Traffic Tourism / 临沂交通旅游广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Ningbo Traffic / 宁波交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Shanxi Rural / 山西农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Sichuan Comprehensive Voice of Sichuan / 四川综合广播 四川之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Zhuhai Music / 珠海音乐广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips

Anhui Voice of Anhui Expressway / 安徽高速之声 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips, English ID
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Guangyuan News Comprehensive / 广元新闻综合频率 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips
Heilongjiang News / 龙广新闻台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Qinghai Voice of Qinghai / 青海新闻综合广播 青海之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shandong Country / 山东乡村广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30
Yichang News Comprehensive / 宜昌新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhaotong News Comprehensive / 昭通新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
Jilin News Comprehensive / 吉林新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xizang Tibetan / 西藏藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips / Tibetan

Anhui Life Voice of the City / 安徽城市之声 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Changchun City Life / 长春城市生活广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Chaoyang Economic / 朝阳经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 0+1 time pip
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Guangdong News / 广东新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Huainan News Comprehensive / 淮南新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Shanghai Traffic / 上海交通广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 2+1 time pips, Shanghainese ID

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Henan News / 河南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jiaxing Traffic / 嘉兴交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Anshun News Comprehensive / 安顺新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / 4-tone clock chime
CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
Hainan Livelihood / 海南民生广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Hainanese
Hefei News / 合肥新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Jiamusi Comprehensive / 佳木斯综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard fast 2+1 time pips
Jining Comprehensive / 济宁综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Jinzhou Comprehensive / 锦州综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 or 2+1 time pips, single beep at :30
Qinghai Voice of Qinghai / 青海新闻综合广播 青海之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Siping Comprehensive / 四平综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Tianjin Novel / 天津小说广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Voice of the Strait News / 海峡之声新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Wenzhou News / 温州新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+0 time pips

Diqing Comprehensive / 迪庆综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Inner Mongolia Chinese News Comprehensive / 内蒙古汉语新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard slightly shortened 5+1 time pips
Jinhua Comprehensive / 金华综合广播 金华之声 / :00 :00 :30 / two-tone bell
Xinjiang Comprehensive / 新疆综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / standard 5+1 time pips

Anhui Life Voice of the City / 安徽城市之声 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-6 Voice of Shenzhou / 中央人民广播电台神州之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka
CRI Cambodian / 中国国际广播电 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) / CRI top-of-hour music / Cambodian
CRI English (CGTN Radio) / 中国国际广播电 英语资讯广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / no time pips / English
CRI Vietnamese / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Vietnamese
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Fushun Comprehensive / 抚顺综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard longer 5+1 time pips
Gansu News Comprehensive / 甘肃新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Hubei Chutian Music / 湖北楚天音乐广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, English ID
Hubei Rural / 湖北农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Mudanjiang Comprehensive / 牡丹江综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Suzhou News Comprehensive / 宿州新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Tangshan News Comprehensive / 唐山新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Xinjiang Comprehensive / 新疆综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / standard 5+1 time pips
Xinjiang Kyrgyz / 新疆柯尔克孜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kyrgyz
Zhoushan News Comprehensive / 舟山新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard long 3+1 time pips

Cangzhou News / 沧州新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shaanxi News / 陕西新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard faster 5+1 time pips
Yueyang News Comprehensive / 岳阳新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips

[ 700 kHz ]

Chaoyang News Comprehensive / 朝阳新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 / single beep
CRI NewsRadio / CRI环球资讯 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Honghe Comprehensive / 红河综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 :30 / non-standard 3+1 pips, 1+1 at :30, English content
Jiangsu News Comprehensive / 江苏新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / 4-tone rising music
Jilin City Public Life / 吉林市大众生活广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Xinjiang Comprehensive / 新疆综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / standard 5+1 time pips

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Hubei Chutian Traffic / 湖北楚天交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Hubei Life / 湖北生活广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+0 time pips
Liupanshui Comprehensive / 六盘水综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Lu’an Comprehensive / 六安综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Mianyang News / 绵阳新闻广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Ningbo Economic / 宁波经济广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / music snippet & 3-tone chime, 2+1 at :30, English ID; formerly no pips at :00
Panzhihua Comprehensive / 攀枝花综合广播 / :00 :00 / 2-tone clock chime
Qinghai Voice of Qinghai / 青海新闻综合广播 青海之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Quzhou Comprehensive / 衢州综合广播 / :00 :00 / 4-tone rising music
Zhengzhou Economic Life / 郑州经济生活广播 / :00 :00 / standard fast 3+1 time pips

Anhui Rural / 安徽农村广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
CNR-16 Voice of the Countryside / 中央人民广播电台中国乡村之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-17 Kazakh / 中央人民广播电台哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Kazakh
Deyang Comprehensive / 德阳综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Xizang Tibetan / 西藏藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips / Tibetan

Jiangxi Comprehensive News / 江西综合新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Jiyuan News Comprehensive / 济源新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / no time pips; formerly 2-tone bell, 1+0 time pip at :30
Shangqiu News Comprehensive / 商丘新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 (Henan News) / 6+1+3+1 time pips

CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
Henan Economic / 河南经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hengshui Voice of Lake City / 衡水湖城之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hunan News Comprehensive / 湖南新闻综合频道 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Jilin News Comprehensive / 吉林新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Shaoxing Comprehensive / 绍兴综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Xinjiang Comprehensive / 新疆综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / standard 5+1 time pips

Baoding Traffic / 保定交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Baotou Comprehensive / 包头综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Beihai News Comprehensive / 北海新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Changshu Sound of Changshu / 常熟广播声动 / :00 :00 :30 / music ending in single tone
Chifeng Chinese Comprehensive / 赤峰汉语综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-12 Voice of Reading / 中央人民广播电台阅读之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Fushun Music / 抚顺音乐广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Gansu News Comprehensive / 甘肃新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Ganzhou Comprehensive / 赣州综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Guangdong Pearl River Economic / 广东珠江经济电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Guangdong Sound of Music / 广东音乐之声 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 5-tone bell chime + 1 at :30, English ID / Cantonese
Hebei Life / 河北生活广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hefei Auto & Music / 合肥文艺广播汽车音乐电台 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips; formerly 2-tone doorbell
Henan Rural Elephant Information / 河南农村大象资讯台广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, no pips at :30; formerly 5+1, 3+1 at :30
Henan Travel / 河南旅游广播 私家车999 / :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, 3+1 at :30
Hengshui Voice of Lake City / 衡水湖城之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hubei Parent-Child / 湖北亲子广播 / :00 :00 / child’s lullaby
Hubei Voice of Hubei / 湖北之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Liaoning Share Classic Music / 辽宁经典音乐广播 / :00 :00 / 5-tone musical jingle
Linyi Voice of the City / 临沂都市之声经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard spaced-out 4+1 time pips
Longyan Comprehensive / 龙岩综合广播 / :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips
Nanchong Comprehensive / 南充综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Ningxia Economic / 宁夏经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Pingdingshan News Comprehensive / 平顶山新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Rizhao Traffic Life / 日照交通生活广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shaanxi Opera / 陕西戏曲广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shanxi Rural / 山西农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Tianjin Binhai / 天津滨海广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Tongliao Chinese Comprehensive / 通辽汉语综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Weinan News / 渭南广播电视台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, chime at :30
Wuhai Comprehensive / 乌海综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 0+1 time pip
Xishuangbanna Comprehensive / 西双版纳综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Yancheng Traffic / 盐城交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips
Yingkou Economic Life / 营口经济生活广播 / :00 :00 / 4-tone clock chimes
Yunnan Music / 云南音乐广播 / :00 :00 / single ding time pip
Zaozhuang Traffic Art / 枣庄交通文艺广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Zhongshan Happy / 中山电台快乐888 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 pips, ticking clock at :30 / Cantonese
Zhoushan News Comprehensive / 舟山新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard long 3+1 time pips

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

Bengbu News Comprehensive / 蚌埠新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Cangzhou News / 沧州新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
CNR-5 Voice of the Taiwan Strait / 中央广播电视总台台海之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Gongyi News / 巩义新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 1+1 time pips or ticking and cuckoo clock
Guizhou News / 贵州新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shaoguan Comprehensive / 韶关综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
Hubei Voice of Hubei / 湖北之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Jinzhou Economic / 锦州经济广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Hebei Life / 河北生活广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hebei News / 河北新闻广播 / :00 :00 / 0+1 time pip
Voice of the Strait Minnan / 海峡之声闽南话广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Minnan
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xizang Khams / 西藏康巴话广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Khams Tibetan

Chengdu News / 成都新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-17 Kazakh / 中央人民广播电台哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Kazakh
Guangxi News / 广西新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, small beep at :30
Shanghai Voice of the Yangtze Delta / 上海广播长三角之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shenyang News / 沈阳新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Urumqi News / 乌鲁木齐新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

[ 800 kHz ]

Anhui Opera / 安徽戏曲广播 / :00 :00 / standard 0+1 time pip
Cangzhou Arts / 沧州文艺(音乐)广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Chizhou Comprehensive / 池州新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Fujian Economic / 福建经济台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, single beep at :30
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Guangdong Pearl River Economic / 广东珠江经济电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Huai’an News Comprehensive / 淮安新闻综合 / :00 :00 / non-standard 5+1 musical pips
Hubei Chutian Traffic / 湖北楚天交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Hubei Life / 湖北生活广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+0 time pips
Hubei Rural / 湖北农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jiangsu News Comprehensive / 江苏新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / 4-tone rising music
Jining Traffic / 济宁交通广播 / :00 :00 / single beep
Liaoning Economic / 辽宁经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Liaoning Share Classic Music / 辽宁经典音乐广播 / :00 :00 / 5-tone musical jingle
Lingyuan Comprehensive / 凌源综合广播 / :00 :30 / standard slow 2+1 time pips
Nanjing Sports / 南京体育广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Qinghai Tibetan / 青海藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips / Tibetan
Sanmenxia Comprehensive / 三门峡综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shaanxi Opera / 陕西戏曲广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Tangshan Economic Life / 唐山经济生活广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Wenzhou Economic / 温州经济广播 / :00 / no time pips
Xiamen Voice of Minnan / 厦门闽南之声广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Minnan
Xinxiang Comprehensive / 新乡综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xuzhou Music / 徐州音乐广播 / :00 :00 / 4 clock ticks into various time jingles, English ID
Yangzhou Music / 扬州音乐频率 / :00 :00 / non-standard 3 pips into 5-tone music
Yantai Music / 烟台音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yinchuan Comprehensive / 银川综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zibo Economic / 淄博经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

Chaoyang News Comprehensive / 朝阳新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 / single beep
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
Liaoning Rural / 辽宁乡村广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Liaoning Share Classic Music / 辽宁经典音乐广播 / :00 :00 / 5-tone musical jingle
Liaoyuan Comprehensive Arts / 辽源综合文艺广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xi’an News / 西安新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime
Zhumadian Comprehensive / 驻马店综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips

Bayingolin Chinese Comprehensive / 巴音郭楞汉语综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard shorter 4+1 time pips
Liaocheng Economic / 聊城经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Qingdao News Comprehensive / 青岛新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shanxi Comprehensive / 山西综合广播 / :00 :30 / standard short 2+1 time pips

Beijing News / 北京新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Guangdong News / 广东新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Jiaozuo News Comprehensive / 焦作新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / single chime
Jingzhou Comprehensive / 荆州综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhoukou Comprehensive / 周口综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips at :00, standard 3+1 at :30

CNR-5 Voice of the Taiwan Strait / 中央广播电视总台台海之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Harbin News / 哈尔滨新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Liaoyang Comprehensive / 辽阳综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Xinyang Comprehensive / 信阳综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Cangzhou Arts / 沧州文艺(音乐)广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Changzhou News Comprehensive / 常州新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-3 Voice of Music / 中央人民广播电台音乐之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CRI China Plus Radio / 中国国际广播电台 / :00 :00 / no time pips / English
Fuxin Mongolian / 阜新蒙古族自治县广播 / :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Guangdong News / 广东新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Guangxi Economic Hostess / 广西经济广播女主播电台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Guangxi News / 广西新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, small beep at :30
Handan Urban Life / 邯郸都市生活广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hebei Economic / 河北经济广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 musical time pips
Hebei Story / 河北故事广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 musical time pips
Hebi Traffic / 鹤壁交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hefei Information Yes 881 / 合肥资讯广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 3 double beeps, English ID
Henan Rural Elephant Information / 河南农村大象资讯台广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, no pips at :30; formerly 5+1, 3+1 at :30
Hubei Chutian Traffic / 湖北楚天交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Hubei Rural / 湖北农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jiangsu Health / 江苏健康广播 / :00 :00 :00 / two-tone bell chime
Jilin Economic / 吉林经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Rural / 吉林乡村广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Jinan Economic / 济南经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Jinzhou Traffic / 锦州交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30
Langfang Comprehensive / 廊坊综合广播 畅行951 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nanyang News / 南阳新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / single bell tone, musical chime at :30
Qingdao Arts / 青岛文艺广播 / :00 :00 :30 / non-standard musical 3+1 pips + ding, single pip/music at :30
Shanxi Comprehensive / 山西综合广播 / :00 :30 / standard short 2+1 time pips
Suzhou Opera / 苏州戏曲广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Weifang Traffic / 潍坊交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xinjiang Uyghur Comprehensive / 新疆维吾尔语综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yunnan Economic / 云南经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Yunnan Music / 云南音乐广播 / :00 :00 / single ding time pip
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Zhaotong Traffic Travel / 昭通交通旅游广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips

CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
CNR-17 Kazakh / 中央人民广播电台哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Kazakh
Xinjiang Uyghur Comprehensive / 新疆维吾尔语综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xizang Tibetan / 西藏藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips / Tibetan

Anhui Economic / 安徽经济广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 (8 tones) time pips
Binzhou Comprehensive / 滨州综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Renqiu News Comprehensive / 任丘新闻综合频率 / :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 (sign-on) / no time pips
Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime

China Huayi / 中国华裔广播公司 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Gansu News Comprehensive / 甘肃新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Heilongjiang Korean / 龙广朝鲜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 :00 / 14-tone music bells; previously standard 5+1 pips / Korean
Huzhou News / 湖州新闻广播 湖州之声 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, 7-tone music at :30
Kaifeng Comprehensive / 开封综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Linyi Comprehensive / 临沂综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Wuhan News / 武汉新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Xinji Media Center Comprehensive / 辛集融媒体中心综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Anyang News Emergency / 安阳新闻应急广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips, time announcements for :59
Dalian Comprehensive / 大连综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Karamay Uyghur / 克拉玛依维吾尔语广播 / :00 (sign-off) :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur
Liaoning Life / 辽宁生活广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Qiannan Comprehensive / 黔南综合广播 / :00 :00 (Guizhou Comp. News) :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, 5+1 for Guizhou News
Shijiazhuang News / 石家庄新闻广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 time pips

Dandong Traffic / 丹东交通广播 / :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Ningxia News / 宁夏新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, English ID
Shandong Comprehensive / 山东综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Shihezi Comprehensive / 石河子综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / no time pips

[ 900 kHz ]

Anhui Rural / 安徽农村广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Anhui Traffic / 安徽交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Baoji Economic / 宝鸡经济广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, non-standard 2+1 at :30
Changchun News / 长春新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Chengde Traffic Art / 承德交通文艺广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CRI EZFM / 中国国际广播电台轻松调频 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / English
CRI NewsRadio / CRI环球资讯 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Datong News Comprehensive / 大同新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Dehong Minority Comprehensive / 德宏民语综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Dai, Jingpo, Zaiwa
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Haicheng Comprehensive / 海城新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Hebei Literature and Art / 河北文艺广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Heilongjiang News / 龙广新闻台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Henan Traffic / 河南交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard faster 4+1 time pips
Henan Travel / 河南旅游广播 私家车999 / :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, 3+1 at :30
Huanggang News Comprehensive / 黄冈新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hubei Chutian Traffic / 湖北楚天交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Hubei Life / 湖北生活广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+0 time pips
Hubei Rural / 湖北农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hubei Voice of Hubei / 湖北之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Hunan Economic / 湖南经广 / :00 :30 / standard faster 4+1 time pips
Jilin Economic / 吉林经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Music / 吉林音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Lianyungang Traffic / 连云港交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips
Liaoning Economic / 辽宁经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Nanjing Economic / 南京经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+0+1 time pips, English ID
Ningxia News / 宁夏新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, English ID
Qingdao Traffic / 青岛交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 3+0 at :30
Qinghai Tibetan / 青海藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips / Tibetan
Qinhuangdao Life / 秦皇岛生活广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shaanxi Rural / 陕西农村广播 / :00 :00 / 7-tone rising music chimes
Shanxi Comprehensive / 山西综合广播 / :00 :30 / standard short 2+1 time pips
Shenzhen News / 深圳新闻广播 深圳先锋898 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Tangshan Novel Entertainment / 唐山小说娱乐广播 曹妃甸之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Wuhan Economic / 武汉经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips, English ID
Wuxi Music / 无锡音乐广播 / :00 :00 / 5-tone descending music then single cuckoo
Yancheng Classic FM / 盐城经典调频 / :00 :00 :00 / small single tink sound (noon only)
Yanji Voice of Arirang / 延吉阿里郎之声 아리랑방송 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Korean
Zhangjiakou Variety / 张家口综艺广播 / :00 :00 :00 / 2-tone bell chime or standard 3+1 time pips
Zhejiang Livelihood Information / 浙江民生资讯广播 / :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 7-tone music pips at :30
Zhenjiang Traffic / 镇江交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhoushan Arts / 舟山文艺广播 / :00 :00 / standard long 3+0 time pips

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-6 Voice of Shenzhou / 中央人民广播电台神州之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka
Sichuan Comprehensive Voice of Sichuan / 四川综合广播 四川之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Tianjin News* / 天津新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Tonghua Comprehensive / 通化综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xinjiang Kyrgyz/Mongolian / 新疆柯尔克孜语/蒙古语广播 / :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kyrgyz & Mongolian
* Tianjin News courtesy of Bjarne Mjelde (Jan. & Feb. 2022)

Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Shandong Comprehensive / 山东综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30

Beijing Youth / 北京青年广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Changshu News Comprehensive / 常熟新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 / music ending in single tone
Changzhou Music / 常州音乐广播 / :00 :00 / standard long 2+1 time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-6 Voice of Shenzhou / 中央人民广播电台神州之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka
Fujian Economic / 福建经济台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, single beep at :30
Guangdong Pearl River Economic / 广东珠江经济电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Guangdong Stock Market / 广东股市广播 财经927 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Guangxi Music / 广西音乐台 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Guizhou News / 贵州新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Heilongjiang News / 龙广新闻台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Henan Education / 河南教育广播 / :00 :00 / standard spread-out 2+1 time pips
Henan News / 河南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hubei Chutian Traffic / 湖北楚天交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Huzhou Economic / 湖州经济广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, single pip at :30
Jiangxi City / 江西都市广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jiangxi Livelihood / 江西民生广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin City Comprehensive / 吉林市综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jingmen Comprehensive / 荆门综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / no time pips; formerly 4-tone bell chimes
Liaoning Rural / 辽宁乡村广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shanghai Story / 上海故事广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shangqiu Traffic / 商丘交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Urumqi Traffic / 乌鲁木齐交通广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips
Xingtai Economic Life / 邢台经济生活广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Yunnan Voice of Traffic / 云南交通之声 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips, English ID

Anhui News Comprehensive Voice of Anhui / 安徽新闻综合广播 安徽之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xizang Tibetan / 西藏藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips / Tibetan

Alxa Mongolian Comprehensive / 阿拉善蒙语综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Mongolian
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
CNR-17 Kazakh / 中央人民广播电台哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Kazakh
Heilongjiang Rural / 黑龙江乡村广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, rarely IDs
Hohhot News Comprehensive / 呼和浩特新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Hubei Rural / 湖北农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jining Traffic / 济宁交通广播 / :00 :00 / single beep
Ordos Mongolian Comprehensive / 鄂尔多斯蒙语综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Mongolian
Xilingol Chinese Comprehensive / 锡林郭勒汉语综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Hainan News / 海南新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Hangzhou Old Friends / 杭州老朋友广播 / :00 :00 / 2+1 clock ticks and bell
Hengshui Comprehensive / 衡水综合广播 / :00 :00 / musical jingle
Hulun Buir Mongolian Comprehensive / 呼伦贝尔蒙语综合广播 / :00 :00 / single quiet beep / Mongolian
Lanzhou Life Art / 兰州生活文艺广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips with music
Luzhou Comprehensive / 泸州综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Tongliao Traffic Art / 通辽交通文艺广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips

CRI Russian / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Russian
Handan News Comprehensive / 邯郸新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Huangshi Comprehensive / 黄石综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Liaoning Voice of Liaoning / 辽宁之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xinjiang Kazakh / 新疆哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kazakh

Harbin Economic / 哈尔滨经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Henan Economic / 河南经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xinjiang Kazakh / 新疆哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kazakh

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
Wuhan Economic / 武汉经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips, English ID
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xizang Tibetan / 西藏藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips / Tibetan

Qinhuangdao Comprehensive / 秦皇岛综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Shanghai News / 上海新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

Bozhou News Comprehensive / 亳州新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 0+1 time pip
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Guangdong Southern Life / 广东南方生活广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID / Cantonese
Guiyang News Comprehensive / 贵阳新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard long 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Liaoning Economic / 辽宁经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shandong Country / 山东乡村广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30
Xinjiang Comprehensive / 新疆综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / standard 5+1 time pips
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / :00 :00 / no time pips

[ 1000 kHz ]

Anhui Rural / 安徽农村广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Chenghai People’s / 澄海人民广播电台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Chaoshan
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CRI China Plus Radio / 中国国际广播电台 / :00 :00 / no time pips / English
CRI NewsRadio / CRI环球资讯 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Dezhou News / 德州新闻广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Gansu News Comprehensive / 甘肃新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Guangdong Pearl River Economic / 广东珠江经济电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Guangdong Sound of Music / 广东音乐之声 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 5-tone bell chime + 1 at :30, English ID / Cantonese
Guangxi Economic Hostess / 广西经济广播女主播电台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Guangxi News / 广西新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, small beep at :30
Guangxi Voice of Beibu Gulf / 广西北部湾之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID / Zhuang
Handan Traffic / 邯郸交通广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin News Comprehensive / 吉林新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Traffic / 吉林交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Langfang Comprehensive / 廊坊综合广播 畅行951 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nanjing News Comprehensive / 南京新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Ningxia News / 宁夏新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, English ID
Qingdao Story / 青岛故事广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips with 4-tone clock chimes
Qinghai Voice of Qinghai / 青海新闻综合广播 青海之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shaanxi City / 陕西都市广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shaanxi News / 陕西新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard faster 5+1 time pips
Shanxi Rural / 山西农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shenzhen Music / 深圳音乐广播 深圳飞扬971 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shizuishan Comprehensive / 石嘴山综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / music jingles (incl. 12-tone +1) followed by long beep
Sichuan Comprehensive Voice of Sichuan / 四川综合广播 四川之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Southeast China / 中国东南广播公司 / :00 (sign-on) :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Suizhou Comprehensive / 随州综合广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 5+1 time pips
Tianjin Arts / 天津文艺广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Wuxi Traffic / 无锡交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips
Xiamen Travel / 厦门旅游广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Yiyang Comprehensive / 益阳综合频道 益阳之声 / :00 :00 / musical snippet
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Zhengzhou Culture, Sports & Tourism / 郑州文体旅游广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 time pips (8 tones total)

Baoding Economic / 保定经济广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 time pips (7 tones total)
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CRI Korean / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Korean
Guangdong News / 广东新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Qinghai Tibetan / 青海藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips / Tibetan
Qinghai Voice of Qinghai / 青海新闻综合广播 青海之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

Beijing Public Service / 北京城市广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
Guizhou News / 贵州新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Hotan Chinese Comprehensive* / 和田汉语综合广播 / :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Yancheng News / 盐城新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 time pips; formerly 3+1 & 4+1, English ID
Yingkou News Comprehensive / 营口新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yizheng People’s / 仪征人民广播电台 / :00 :00 :00 / 12-tone musical jingle +1, formerly 4+1
* Hotan Chinese Comprehensive courtesy of Jim Solatie (Jan. 2014)

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

CRI Japanese / 中国国际广播电 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music except weekends / Japanese
Dali Comprehensive / 大理综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Inner Mongolia Voice of the Green Field / 内蒙古绿野之声广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, Mongolian ID
Xinjiang Kazakh / 新疆哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kazakh
Xinjiang Uyghur Comprehensive / 新疆维吾尔语综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-10 Voice of the Elderly / 中央人民广播电台老年之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Hefei Traffic / 合肥交通广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / musical jingle; formerly 4+1 car horn time pips, English time announcement
Hubei Economic / 湖北经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Jiangsu Arts / 江苏文艺广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Jinan News / 济南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Liaoning Share Classic Music / 辽宁经典音乐广播 / :00 :00 / 5-tone musical jingle
Luoyang Music / 洛阳音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yanbian Chinese News Comprehensive / 延边汉语新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Yiyang Comprehensive / 益阳综合频道 益阳之声 / :00 :00 / musical snippet
Yueyang News Comprehensive / 岳阳新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Yunnan Economic / 云南经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Yunnan Music / 云南音乐广播 / :00 :00 / single ding time pip
Zhumadian Economic / 驻马店经济广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 heartbeat sound time pips

Guangdong Pearl River Economic / 广东珠江经济电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Qitaihe Comprehensive* / 七台河综合广播 / :00 / standard 3+0 time pips
* Qitaihe Comprehensive courtesy of Jim Solatie (Oct. 2017)

Baoji Comprehensive / 宝鸡综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Guangxi News / 广西新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, small beep at :30
Suzhou News Comprehensive / 宿州新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Tianjin Economic / 天津经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Urumqi Uyghur Traffic Art / 维吾尔语交通文艺广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur
Yanbian Korean News / 延边朝鲜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips / Korean
Zhejiang Music FM / 浙江音乐调频 / :00 :00 / no time pips, partial English ID

CRI English (CGTN Radio) / 中国国际广播电 英语资讯广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / no time pips / English
CRI Lao / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :30 (sign-on) / CRI top-of-hour music at :30 sign-on / Lao
CRI Thai / 中国国际广播电 / :30 (sign-on) / CRI top-of-hour music at :30 sign-on / Thai
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Gansu News Comprehensive / 甘肃新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Shantou Comprehensive / 汕头综合广播 / :00 :00 / 2 long spread-out time pips in ID / Chaoshan
Suihua Comprehensive* / 绥化综合广播 / :00 / no time pips
Suzhou News Comprehensive / 宿州新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime
* Suihua Comprehensive courtesy of Harri Kujala (Oct. 2023)

CNR-6 Voice of Shenzhou / 中央人民广播电台神州之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka
Hainan News / 海南新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Heilongjiang Rural / 黑龙江乡村广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, rarely IDs
Liaoning Voice of Liaoning / 辽宁之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhuzhou News / 株洲新闻广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Anhui Traffic / 安徽交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Bengbu Economic / 蚌埠经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Chuxiong Music / 楚雄音乐广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips; relays on CNR-11 during off-air period on this frequency only
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips; relays CNR-1 during off-air hours on this frequency only / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CNR-11 Tibetan & CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播/维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang) & Uyghur
CNR-17 Kazakh / 中央人民广播电台哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Kazakh
Deyang Comprehensive / 德阳综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Fujian Economic / 福建经济台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, single beep at :30
Guangdong Stock Market / 广东股市广播 财经927 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Guangxi Economic Hostess / 广西经济广播女主播电台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Guangxi Music / 广西音乐台 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Guangxi News / 广西新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, small beep at :30
Guangzhou Traffic / 广州交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30 / Cantonese
Handan Traffic / 邯郸交通广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Hebei Economic / 河北经济广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 musical time pips
Henan Information / 河南信息广播 河南电台乐龄 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hengshui Traffic Storytelling / 衡水交通评书广播 / :00 :00 / musical jingle
Hengyang Comprehensive / 衡阳综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 pips or 3 rising musical tones
Hubei Chutian Traffic / 湖北楚天交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Huizhou Traffic / 惠州交通广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Jiangsu Traffic / 江苏交通广播 / :00 :00 / 2+1 car horn pips, English ID
Jieyang Tourism & Traffic / 揭阳旅游交通之声 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / standard long 5+1 time pips, 1+1 at :30 / Chaoshan
Jinhua Rural Sunshine FM / 金华对农广播 阳光调频 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, 3+1 at :30, partial English ID
Ma’anshan Dangtu County / 马鞍山当涂县广播电视台 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Maoming Comprehensive / 茂名综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Cantonese
Noise Jammers & Firedrake / 噪音干扰器 & 火龙 / :00 :00 :00 :00 (noise) :00 (noise) :00 (noise) :30 (noise) / jammers vs. RTI
Shaanxi Story / 陕西故事广播 / :00 :00 / 2 clock pips followed by ticking
Shanxi Rural / 山西农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Taizhou Traffic / 泰州交通广播 / :00 :00 / 5-tone musical jingle
Tianjin Music / 天津音乐广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Wuhan News / 武汉新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Xiamen Music / 厦门音乐广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Xiangyang Comprehensive / 襄阳综合广播 襄阳之声 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips (last 2 pips close together)
Xinjiang Comprehensive / 新疆综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / standard 5+1 time pips
Yunnan Music / 云南音乐广播 / :00 :00 / single ding time pip
Yunnan Voice of Traffic / 云南交通之声 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips, English ID
Zhangjiagang Traffic / 张家港交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English content
Zhoushan Traffic Economic / 舟山交通经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips

[ 1100 kHz ]

Hainan News / 海南新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Hebi News / 鹤壁新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard long 1+1 time pips
Jiaxing Comprehensive / 嘉兴综合广播 / :00 :00 / 8+1 musical chime jingle
Jilin News Comprehensive / 吉林新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Pingxiang Comprehensive / 萍乡综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Tongling News Comprehensive / 铜陵新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Xiamen Comprehensive / 厦门综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English content
Xinjiang Kazakh / 新疆哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kazakh

Changshu News Comprehensive / 常熟新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 / music ending in single tone
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-5 Voice of the Taiwan Strait / 中央广播电视总台台海之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Hainan News / 海南新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Jining Music Life / 济宁音乐生活广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Sichuan Comprehensive Voice of Sichuan / 四川综合广播 四川之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID

Hebei Story / 河北故事广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 musical time pips
Wuhan Economic / 武汉经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips, English ID

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Gannan Comprehensive / 甘南综合广播 / :00 (2nd sign-on) :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Ili Chinese Comprehensive / 伊犁汉语综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / 7+1 musical time pips
Xizang Tibetan / 西藏藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips / Tibetan
Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime

Anshun News Comprehensive / 安顺新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / 4-tone clock chime
Changzhou Economic / 常州经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard fast 2+1 time pips, English ID
Chifeng Chinese Comprehensive / 赤峰汉语综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-3 Voice of Music / 中央人民广播电台音乐之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean & Mongolian / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean, Mongolian
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
Dazhou Comprehensive / 达州综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Dingzhou Traffic Music / 定州交通音乐广播 / :00 :00 :30 / 8-tone bell chimes
Guangdong Pearl River Economic / 广东珠江经济电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Guangxi Education / 广西教育广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, single at :30
Guangxi Music / 广西音乐台 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Guangyuan News Comprehensive / 广元新闻综合频率 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips
Guizhou News / 贵州新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Heilongjiang Rural / 黑龙江乡村广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, rarely IDs
Henan Opera / 河南戏曲广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Hubei Classic Music / 湖北经典音乐广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Hubei Life / 湖北生活广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+0 time pips
Hubei Rural / 湖北农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jiamusi Economic / 佳木斯经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard slow 2+1 time pips
Jiangsu Arts / 江苏文艺广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Jilin Economic / 吉林经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Music / 吉林音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin News Comprehensive / 吉林新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Traffic / 吉林交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jixi Art Life / 鸡西文艺生活广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / no time pips
Liaocheng Comprehensive / 聊城综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Liaoyang Traffic Art / 辽阳交通文艺广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Neijiang Traffic / 内江交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Qinghai Economic / 青海经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shaanxi Music / 陕西音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shaanxi News / 陕西新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard faster 5+1 time pips
Songyuan Traffic Art / 松原交通文艺广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Tangshan Traffic Art / 唐山交通文艺 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID and time
Tianshui Comprehensive / 天水综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Xinjiang Comprehensive / 新疆综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / standard 5+1 time pips
Xinjiang Kazakh / 新疆哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kazakh
Xinjiang Uyghur Comprehensive / 新疆维吾尔语综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur
Yingkou Traffic Art / 营口交通文艺广播 / :00 / 6-tone musical jingle
Yulin Comprehensive / 榆林综合广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 2+1 time pips
Yunnan Economic / 云南经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime
Zibo Comprehensive / 淄博综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30, English ID

Dalian Finance / 大连财经广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips over music
Hunan News Comprehensive / 湖南新闻综合频道 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips

Guangdong Pearl River Economic / 广东珠江经济电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Guangxi Economic Hostess / 广西经济广播女主播电台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Jingmen Comprehensive / 荆门综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / no time pips; formerly 4-tone bell chimes
Weifang News / 潍坊新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Wuxi News Comprehensive / 无锡新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips

Alxa Chinese Comprehensive / 阿拉善汉语综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 (sign-on) / no time pips
Bayannur Comprehensive / 巴彦淖尔综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Binzhou Traffic Music / 滨州交通音乐广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / various catchy jingles
Chifeng Mongolian Comprehensive / 赤峰蒙古语综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Mongolian
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
Gansu Rural / 甘肃农村广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30
Guangdong News / 广东新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Guangzhou Youth / 广州青少年广播 广州MYFM / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID / Cantonese
Hefei Story / 合肥故事广播 / :00 :00 / standard long 2+1 time pips, English ID
Hubei Voice of Hubei / 湖北之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Hulun Buir Chinese Comprehensive / 呼伦贝尔汉语综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Lu’an Comprehensive / 六安综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nanjing Public UP FM 96.6 / 南京城市管理广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nantong Traffic / 南通交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Ordos Chinese Comprehensive / 鄂尔多斯汉语综合广播 鄂尔多斯之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Qinghai Tibetan / 青海藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips / Tibetan
Qingzhou People’s / 青州人民广播电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 0+1 time pip
Tongliao Mongolian Comprehensive / 通辽蒙语综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Mongolian
Xilingol Mongolian Comprehensive* / 锡林郭勒蒙语综合广播 / :00 / standard 3+1 time pips / Mongolian
Xuancheng News Comprehensive / 宣城新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xuzhou Traffic / 徐州交通广播 / :00 :00 / chime followed by standard 3+1 time pips
Zaozhuang Comprehensive / 枣庄综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
* Xilingol Mongolian Comprehensive courtesy of Jim Solatie (Feb. 2018)

Karamay Chinese Comprehensive / 克拉玛依汉语综合广播 / :00 :30 / no time pips, 8-tone bell at :30
Shuangyashan Comprehensive* / 双鸭山综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Yangzhou News / 扬州新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, partial English ID
* Shuangyashan Comprehensive courtesy of Bill Whitacre and Walter Salmaniw (Feb. & Mar. 2024)

CRI Bengali / 中国国际广播电 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) / CRI top-of-hour music / Bengali
CRI Burmese / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Burmese
CRI English (CGTN Radio) / 中国国际广播电 英语资讯广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / no time pips / English
CRI Hindi / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Hindi
CRI Nepalese / 中国国际广播电 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Nepalese
Xingtai Comprehensive / 邢台综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Yanbian Korean News / 延边朝鲜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips / Korean

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Gannan Tibetan / 甘南藏语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan
Heze News / 菏泽新闻广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Qiqihar Comprehensive / 齐齐哈尔综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Rizhao Comprehensive / 日照综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Shanghai Opera / 上海戏曲广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

[ 1200 kHz ]

Cangzhou Traffic / 沧州交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
Fujian Economic / 福建经济台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, single beep at :30
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Guangdong News / 广东新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Handan Music / 邯郸音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hebi Traffic / 鹤壁交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hubei Parent-Child / 湖北亲子广播 / :00 :00 / child’s lullaby
Jiangmen Travel Music / 江门旅游音乐 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 1+1 time pips, single beep at :30, English ID / Cantonese
Jiangsu Story / 江苏故事广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Jilin Economic / 吉林经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Ningxia News / 宁夏新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, English ID
Qinghai Tibetan / 青海藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips / Tibetan
Shanxi Rural / 山西农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Weihai News Comprehensive / 威海新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Wuhan Economic / 武汉经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips, English ID
Xiamen Music / 厦门音乐广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Yanbian Korean News / 延边朝鲜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips / Korean

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-7 Voice of The Greater Bay / 中央人民广播电台粤港澳大湾区之声 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips / Cantonese, Hakka, Teochew
CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CNR-16 Voice of the Countryside / 中央人民广播电台中国乡村之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Enshi News Comprehensive / 恩施新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / 8-tone clock chime imitation or standard 5+1
Hubei Chutian Traffic / 湖北楚天交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Hubei Rural / 湖北农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Qinghai Tibetan / 青海藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips / Tibetan
Qinghai Voice of Qinghai / 青海新闻综合广播 青海之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shandong Comprehensive / 山东综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30

CNR-6 Voice of Shenzhou / 中央人民广播电台神州之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka
Guangxi Economic Hostess / 广西经济广播女主播电台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Zhenjiang Comprehensive / 镇江综合广播 / :00 :00 / 3 bell chimes with clock ticks

CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
CNR-17 Kazakh / 中央人民广播电台哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Kazakh
Hunan News Comprehensive / 湖南新闻综合频道 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Nantong Comprehensive / 南通综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Xinjiang Kazakh / 新疆哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kazakh
Xinjiang Kyrgyz/Mongolian / 新疆柯尔克孜语/蒙古语广播 / :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kyrgyz & Mongolian
Yanbian Chinese News Comprehensive / 延边汉语新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Huludao Comprehensive / 葫芦岛综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 9+1 time pips
Hunan News Comprehensive / 湖南新闻综合频道 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Lu’an Comprehensive / 六安综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Macheng Comprehensive / 麻城综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Wuhan News / 武汉新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30

Anhui Opera / 安徽戏曲广播 / :00 :00 / standard 0+1 time pip
Anyang Traffic / 安阳交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard high-pitched 5+1 time pips
Changsha Music / 长沙音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
CNR-16 Voice of the Countryside / 中央人民广播电台中国乡村之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CRI EZFM / 中国国际广播电台轻松调频 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / English
Guangxi Economic Hostess / 广西经济广播女主播电台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Hebei Story / 河北故事广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 musical time pips
Huai’an Economic / 淮安经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hubei Economic / 湖北经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Huzhou Traffic Arts / 湖州交通文艺广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, single pip at :30, English ID
Lianyungang Music / 连云港音乐广播 / :00 :00 / 6-tone musical jingle
Luohe Comprehensive / 漯河综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard spaced-out 3+0 time pips in station ad
Ningbo Elderly & Youth / 宁波老少广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 pips then musical jingle + single beep (same as 1251 Puyang)
Puyang News / 濮阳新闻广播 / :00 :00 / musical jingle + single beep (same as 1251 Ningbo)
Qingdao Economic / 青岛经济广播 / :00 :00 / “na” x8 song
Qinghai Tibetan / 青海藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips / Tibetan
Quzhou Traffic / 衢州交通广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / musical jingle finishing with ding
Shaanxi Music / 陕西音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shandong Country / 山东乡村广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30
Shaoxing Traffic / 绍兴交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / 5 musical car beeps then car starting
Shijiazhuang Rural / 石家庄农村广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Wuhan News / 武汉新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Wuxi Economic / 无锡经济广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips, English ID
Yanbian Korean News / 延边朝鲜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips / Korean
Yancheng Traffic / 盐城交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips
Yunnan Music / 云南音乐广播 / :00 :00 / single ding time pip
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Yuxi News Comprehensive / 玉溪新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard longer 4+1 time pips
Zhejiang Quality Life / 浙江品质生活广播 女主播电台 / :00 :00 / 5-tone music chime

Changde Traffic / 常德交通广播 / :00 :00 / 4-tone bell chimes or simple chime, English ID
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-17 Kazakh / 中央人民广播电台哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Kazakh
Liaoning Voice of Liaoning / 辽宁之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Suining Comprehensive / 遂宁综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / :00 :00 / no time pips

CNR-5 Voice of the Taiwan Strait / 中央广播电视总台台海之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
CNR-17 Kazakh / 中央人民广播电台哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Kazakh
CRI Bengali / 中国国际广播电 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) / CRI top-of-hour music / Bengali
CRI English (CGTN Radio) / 中国国际广播电 英语资讯广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / no time pips / English
CRI Hindi / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Hindi
CRI Nepalese / 中国国际广播电 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Nepalese
Shanxi Comprehensive / 山西综合广播 / :00 :30 / standard short 2+1 time pips
Xuzhou News Comprehensive / 徐州新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips

CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
Daxing’anling Comprehensive / 大兴安岭综合广播 / :00 :00 (Heilongj. News) :30 (sign-on) / no time pips
Hebei News / 河北新闻广播 / :00 :00 / 0+1 time pip
Nanchang News Comprehensive / 南昌新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / 4 long + 1 short or 2 long + 1 short
Neijiang Comprehensive / 内江综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xiamen Economic Traffic / 厦门经济交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Chuxiong Comprehensive / 楚雄综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard fast 2+1 or fast 3+1 time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Fuxin News Comprehensive / 阜新综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard fast 3+1 time pips
Ningxia News / 宁夏新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, English ID
Renqiu News Comprehensive / 任丘新闻综合频率 / :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 (sign-on) / no time pips
Shenzhen Life / 深圳生活广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Weifang Private Car / 潍坊私家车广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xuchang Comprehensive / 许昌综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime

CRI Vietnamese / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Vietnamese
Qinghe People’s / 清河人民广播电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips
Suining Comprehensive / 遂宁综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xianyang People’s / 咸阳人民广播电台 / :00 :00 / no time pips

[ 1300 kHz ]

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Mongolian / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Mongolian
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
Gannan Comprehensive / 甘南综合广播 / :00 (2nd sign-on) :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Jinan Arts / 济南文艺广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Chongqing Voice of Chongqing / 重庆之声 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Jiangsu News Comprehensive / 江苏新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / 4-tone rising music
Xiangyang Comprehensive / 襄阳综合广播 襄阳之声 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips (last 2 pips close together)
Xianning Comprehensive / 咸宁综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yantai Comprehensive / 烟台综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

Baicheng News Comprehensive* / 白城新闻综合广播 / :00 / no time pips
Changsha News / 长沙新闻广播 / :00 :00 / clock ticking sound
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CRI English (CGTN Radio) / 中国国际广播电 英语资讯广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / no time pips / English
CRI Korean / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Korean
CRI Mongolian / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Mongolian
CRI Russian / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Russian
Mudan Voice of Heze / 牡丹菏泽之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / clock ticking with music (often gives Shandong Traffic IDs, incl. local content)
Ningbo News Comprehensive / 宁波新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips with music, 12-tone musical jingle +1 at :30
Shaanxi Traffic / 陕西交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips with music
Wafangdian News Comprehensive / 瓦房店新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / :00 :00 / no time pips
* Baicheng News Comprehensive courtesy of Jim Solatie (Sept. 2011)

Changchun City Music / 长春都市音乐广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Fuzhou News / 福州新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / 4 bell chimes over music
Gannan Comprehensive / 甘南综合广播 / :00 (2nd sign-on) :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Henan Education / 河南教育广播 / :00 :00 / standard spread-out 2+1 time pips
Henan Travel / 河南旅游广播 私家车999 / :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, 3+1 at :30

CRI English (CGTN Radio) / 中国国际广播电 英语资讯广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / no time pips / English
CRI Tagalog / 中国国际广播电 / :30 :30 (sign-on) :30 (sign-on) / CRI top-of-hour music at :30 sign-on / Tagalog
Dezhou Traffic Music / 德州交通音乐广播 / :00 :00 / 12-tone musical jingle +1
Heilongjiang News / 龙广新闻台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Liaoning City / 辽宁都市广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Taizhou News Comprehensive / 泰州新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Jiangxi Comprehensive News / 江西综合新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Wuhan News / 武汉新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Jingzhou Comprehensive / 荆州综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jixi Comprehensive / 鸡西综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 or 5+1 time pips

Chuzhou Arts & Tourism / 滁州文艺广播 & 滁州旅游交通广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Qingdao News Comprehensive / 青岛新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Liuzhou Comprehensive / 柳州综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Tianjin Life* / 天津生活广播 / :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
* Tianjin Life courtesy of Bjarne Mjelde (Jan. 2022)

Anhui Story / 安徽故事广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Qinghai Voice of Qinghai / 青海新闻综合广播 青海之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

[ 1400 kHz ]

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Dandong News / 丹东新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Fujian Economic / 福建经济台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, single beep at :30
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Hubei Voice of Hubei / 湖北之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30

Hegang Comprehensive / 鹤岗综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Jiangsu News Comprehensive / 江苏新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / 4-tone rising music
Xinjiang Uyghur Comprehensive / 新疆维吾尔语综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur

CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CNR-17 Kazakh / 中央人民广播电台哈萨克语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Kazakh
CRI Hindi / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Hindi
CRI Urdu / 中国国际广播电 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Urdu
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Guangdong Sound of Music / 广东音乐之声 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 5-tone bell chime + 1 at :30, English ID / Cantonese
Shanghai CBN / 第一财经广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shanxi Rural / 山西农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Taiyuan Comprehensive / 太原综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xiamen Comprehensive / 厦门综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Yanbian Chinese News Comprehensive / 延边汉语新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Zigong Comprehensive / 自贡综合广播 / :00 :00 / ticking clock or single bell ring

CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Huaibei Comprehensive / 淮北综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, 2-tone bell at :30
Huangshan Comprehensive / 黄山综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Shijiazhuang Economic / 石家庄经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Songyuan News Comprehensive / 松原新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Guangxi News / 广西新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, small beep at :30
Zhuanghe People’s / 庄河人民广播电台 / :00 :00 / small buzz noise, English ID

Changchun Voice of Traffic / 长春交通之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Dongying Comprehensive / 东营综合广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips with music
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Jiangxi Comprehensive News / 江西综合新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips

CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
Inner Mongolia Mongolian / 内蒙古蒙古语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Mongolian
Lianyungang Comprehensive / 连云港综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Zhengzhou Culture, Sports & Tourism / 郑州文体旅游广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 time pips (8 tones total)

Baoding News / 保定新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Jingdezhen News Comprehensive / 景德镇新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shandong Comprehensive / 山东综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
Heilongjiang Rural / 黑龙江乡村广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, rarely IDs
Leshan Comprehensive / 乐山综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, 4-tone rising organ music + ding at :30
Liaoning Rural / 辽宁乡村广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Mudanjiang Economic / 牡丹江经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xining News Comprehensive / 西宁新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Yanbian Korean News / 延边朝鲜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips / Korean
Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime
Zibo Traffic Music / 淄博交通音乐广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, English ID

Chuxiong Comprehensive / 楚雄综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard fast 2+1 or fast 3+1 time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Gansu News Comprehensive / 甘肃新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Gongzhuling Traffic Voice / 公主岭交通之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Guangxi News / 广西新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, small beep at :30
Guilin News Comprehensive / 桂林新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Hami Chinese Comprehensive* / 哈密汉语综合广播 / :00 / no time pips
Honghe Comprehensive / 红河综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 :30 / non-standard 3+1 pips, 1+1 at :30, English content
Hubei Voice of Hubei / 湖北之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Jilin News Comprehensive / 吉林新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Jixi Traffic / 鸡西交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Kuytun Comprehensive / 奎屯市融媒体中心综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Panjin Comprehensive / 盘锦综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shandong Comprehensive / 山东综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Shiyan Comprehensive / 十堰综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Shuozhou Voice of Shuozhou / 朔州之声 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Wuzhou Comprehensive / 梧州综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30 / Cantonese
Yangquan Comprehensive / 阳泉综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 or 5+1 time pips, 2+0 at :30, English ID
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
* Hami Chinese Comprehensive courtesy of Jim Solatie (Dec. 2014)

CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Wuhu News Comprehensive / 芜湖新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30
Xinjiang Comprehensive / 新疆综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / standard 5+1 time pips

[ 1500 kHz ]

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
Guangdong Pearl River Economic / 广东珠江经济电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Liaoyang Traffic Art / 辽阳交通文艺广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Shanxi Rural / 山西农村广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xiamen Music / 厦门音乐广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime

Jinan Story / 济南故事广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

Anshun News Comprehensive / 安顺新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / 4-tone clock chime
Changzhi Comprehensive / 长治综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Chongqing Voice of Chongqing / 重庆之声 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-3 Voice of Music / 中央人民广播电台音乐之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
CRI Russian / 中国国际广播电 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Russian
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Guangdong Pearl River Economic / 广东珠江经济电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Hebei Story / 河北故事广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 musical time pips
Hebei Travel Culture / 河北旅游文化广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Heilongjiang Korean / 龙广朝鲜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 :00 / 14-tone music bells; previously standard 5+1 pips / Korean
Henan Audiovisual My Radio / 河南影视广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips over music, English ID
Henan Rural Elephant Information / 河南农村大象资讯台广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, no pips at :30; formerly 5+1, 3+1 at :30
Honghe Comprehensive / 红河综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 :30 / non-standard 3+1 pips, 1+1 at :30, English content
Huai’an Traffic Arts / 淮安交通文艺 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, standard fast 2+1 at :30
Hubei Voice of Hubei / 湖北之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Huzhou Economic / 湖州经济广播 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, single pip at :30
Jingzhou Comprehensive / 荆州综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Langfang Music / 廊坊音乐广播 飞扬105 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Luoyang Traffic / 洛阳交通广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips
Pingdingshan Traffic / 平顶山交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Qujing Comprehensive / 曲靖综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shaanxi News / 陕西新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard faster 5+1 time pips
Sichuan Ethnic Minorities / 四川民族频率 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID / Tibetan (Amdo & Khams), Yi
Xiangyang Comprehensive / 襄阳综合广播 襄阳之声 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips (last 2 pips close together)
Xinxiang Traffic / 新乡交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yangzhou Traffic / 扬州交通广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Zhangjiagang Music / 张家港音乐广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips, English content
Zhejiang Voice of Traffic / 浙江交通之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime

Jilin News Comprehensive / 吉林新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Jinzhong Comprehensive / 晋中综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard faster 5+1 time pips
Zhejiang News / 浙江新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, fast 2+1 at :30, English ID

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
Qinghai Tibetan / 青海藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips / Tibetan

Shandong Comprehensive / 山东综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Xizang Tibetan / 西藏藏语广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips / Tibetan

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Guangdong News / 广东新闻广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Jiangsu Arts / 江苏文艺广播 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Jilin Economic / 吉林经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Liaocheng Traffic / 聊城交通广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Liaoning Voice of Liaoning / 辽宁之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Linyi Economic / 临沂经济广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 1+3+1 time pips (4-sec. pause after first)
Longkou People’s / 龙口人民广播电台 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Noise Jammers & Firedrake / 噪音干扰器 & 火龙 / :00 :00 :00 :00 (noise) :00 (noise) :00 (noise) :30 (noise) / jammers vs. RTI
Rizhao Music / 日照音乐广播 / :00 :00 / 4-tone bell chimes, English ID
Shaanxi Opera / 陕西戏曲广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Suzhou Life / 苏州生活广播 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Weihai Traffic / 威海交通广播 / :00 :00 / 12-tone musical jingle +1, English ID
Xiamen Comprehensive / 厦门综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Xinjiang Uyghur Comp. / 新疆维吾尔语综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur

CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
Hubei Voice of Hubei / 湖北之声 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Yanbian Chinese News Comprehensive / 延边汉语新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Yanbian Korean News / 延边朝鲜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips / Korean
Yuncheng Comprehensive / 运城综合广播 / :00 :00 / 5-tone bell chime then 8-tone bell chime
Zhangjiakou Comprehensive / 张家口综合广播 / :00 :00 / single cuckoo, English ID

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Dalian New Urban & Rural / 大连新城乡广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Gansu News Comprehensive / 甘肃新闻综合广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Guangxi Economic Hostess / 广西经济广播女主播电台 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Guangxi News / 广西新闻广播 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, small beep at :30
Jilin Economic / 吉林经济广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Music / 吉林音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Tourism / 吉林旅游广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Kaiyuan Comprehensive / 开远综合广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Lishu Northern Sound of Music / 梨树北方音乐之声 梨树之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Qinghai Voice of Qinghai / 青海新闻综合广播 青海之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shaanxi Music / 陕西音乐广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips

Anqing Comprehensive / 安庆综合广播 / :00 :00 / 15-tone musical jingle and single beep
Changzhi Comprehensive / 长治综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Chengde Comprehensive / 承德综合广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Datong Economic Arts / 大同经济文艺广播 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Heilongjiang Korean / 龙广朝鲜语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 :00 / 14-tone music bells; previously standard 5+1 pips / Korean
Jilin News Comprehensive / 吉林新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Meihekou Voice of the City / 梅河口城市之声 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Rui’an People’s / 瑞安人民广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard fast 2+1 time pips
Suizhou Comprehensive / 随州综合广播 / :00 :00 / non-standard 5+1 time pips
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Zunyi Comprehensive / 遵义综合广播 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30

CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xinjiang Mongolian / 新疆蒙古语广播 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Mongolian

[ 1600 kHz ]

Jiangsu News Comprehensive / 江苏新闻综合广播 / :00 :00 / 4-tone rising music

Complete Frequency Lists: Taiwan
[ 500 kHz ]

BCC i Go / 中國廣播公司臺北新聞暨服務 / :00 :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle

Fuhsin 1st Kaohsiung Relay / 復興廣播電臺高雄轉播站 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin
Fuhsin 2nd Taipei / 復興廣播電臺臺北臺 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin
Fuhsin 2nd Taichung Relay / 復興廣播電臺臺中轉播站 / :00 / no time pips / Mandarin
[ 600 kHz ]

Taiwan R. Hsinchu (Daxi Relay) / 臺灣廣播公司新竹大溪轉播臺 / :00 (Tagalog) :00 (Thai/Indo.) :00 (Viet.) :00 :00 / no time pips, IDs at :56 & :00

BCC News Yilan / 中國廣播公司宜蘭第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin
Taiwan R. Zhongxing (Songling Relay) / 臺灣廣播公司中興松嶺轉播臺 / :00 :00 / no time pips, IDs at :56 & :00

BCC News Taipei / 中國廣播公司第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin

Cheng Sheng Taichung 2nd / 正聲廣播公司臺中第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / brief jingle or musical ID at :55 only

Cheng Sheng Yunlin (Beigang Relay) / 正聲廣播公司雲林北港轉播臺 / :00 :00 / brief network jingle at :56 only

Voice of Han Taipei / 漢聲廣播電臺臺北 / :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin

Voice of Han Tainan / 漢聲廣播電臺臺南 / :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin
Voice of Han Taoyuan / 漢聲廣播電臺桃園 / :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin
[ 700 kHz ]

BCC Country Tainan / 中國廣播公司臺南第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
Voice of Kuanghua Xinfeng / 漢聲廣播光華之聲新豐分臺 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin

BCC News Taichung / 中國廣播公司臺中第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin

Shih Hsin Taipei / 世新大學學校實習廣播電臺 / :00 :00 / no time pips, partial English ID

Fisheries R. Penghu / 漁業廣播電臺澎湖 / :00 (Indo.) :00 (Tagalog) :00 :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips

Voice of Victory Penghu (Magong Relay) / 勝利之聲廣播電臺馬公轉播臺 / :00 :00 / jingle with ID at :57 & :00, frequency at :57

Hsien Sheng Taoyuan / 先聲廣播電臺桃園 / :00 :00 / no time pips, ID into Teresa Teng “甜蜜蜜”
Taiwan R. Taichung / 臺灣廣播公司臺中 / :00 :00 / no time pips, ID at :56 only
Voice of Victory 1st Tainan / 勝利之聲廣播電臺第一廣播部份臺南 / :00 :00 :00 / jingle with ID at :57 & :00, frequency at :57

Keelung Radio / 基隆廣播電臺 / :00 :00 / jingle & spoken ID, followed by 3+1 time pips
Voice of Han Hualien / 漢聲廣播電臺花蓮 / :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin

[ 800 kHz ]

Chien Kuo Tainan (Xinhua Relay) / 建國廣播電臺新化轉播臺 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 / various IDs, some featuring child, or rooster crowing
Voice of Kuanghua Guanyin / 漢聲廣播光華之聲觀音分臺 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin

Kuo Sheng Changhua / 國聲廣播電臺彰化 / :00 :00 / upbeat music, sometimes 2+1 time pips

BCC News Taitung / 中國廣播公司臺東第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin
Cheng Sheng Taipei / 正聲廣播公司臺北 / :00 :00 / selection of network ID jingles at :56 & :00

Voice of Han Penghu / 漢聲廣播電臺澎湖 / :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin
Voice of Kuanghua Guanyin / 漢聲廣播光華之聲觀音分臺 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin

BCC News Hualien / 中國廣播公司花蓮第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin
Cheng Sheng Chiayi / 正聲廣播公司嘉義 / :00 :00 / selection of network ID jingles at :56 & :00
Ming Pen 2nd Taipei / 民本廣播電臺第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 :00 / jingle at :57 & ID at :00, sometimes 4-tone rising bells

BCC News Kaohsiung / 中國廣播公司高雄第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin

BCC News Hsinchu / 中國廣播公司新竹第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin

BCC Tainan Service / 中國廣播公司臺南新聞暨服務 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
[ 900 kHz ]

BCC Country Taichung / 中國廣播公司臺中第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle

Chengkung Kaohsiung / 成功廣播電臺高雄 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips, IDs at :57 & :00
Voice of Han Taoyuan / 漢聲廣播電臺桃園 / :00 :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin

Chien Kuo Tainan / 建國廣播電臺臺南 / :00 :00 / standard quiet 0+1 time pip or rooster crowing

BCC Country Taipei / 中國廣播公司第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
Taiwan R. Zhongxing / 臺灣廣播公司中興廣播電臺 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips, IDs at :56 & :00

Feng Min 2nd Kaohsiung / 鳳鳴廣播電臺第二廣播部分高雄 / :00 :00 / station jingle
Voice of Kuanghua Xinfeng / 漢聲廣播光華之聲新豐分臺 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin

Cheng Sheng Taichung 1st / 正聲廣播公司臺中第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 :00 / brief jingle at :55 only

Tien Nan Taipei / 天南廣播電臺 / :00 :00 / no time pips
[ 1000 kHz ]

BCC Country Taitung / 中國廣播公司臺東第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
Cheng Sheng Kaohsiung / 正聲廣播公司高雄 / :00 :00 / selection of network ID jingles at :56 & :00

BCC Country Hsinchu / 中國廣播公司新竹第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle

Chung Hwa 2nd Taipei / 中華廣播電臺第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Tien Sheng Miaoli (Yuanli Relay) / 天聲廣播電臺苑裡轉播臺 / :00 :00 / AM1314 station jingle

BCC Country Chiayi / 中國廣播公司嘉義第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle

Yen Sheng Hualien / 燕聲廣播電臺花蓮 / :00 :00 / station jingle/ID at :57 & ID at :00

BCC Taichung Service / 中國廣播公司臺中新聞暨服務 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle and/or rising then falling musical chimes
Min Li 1st Pingtung / 民立廣播電臺第一臺屏東 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Taiwan R. Hsinchu (Guanxi Relay) / 臺灣廣播公司新竹關西轉播臺 / :00 (Tagalog) :00 (Viet.) :00 :00 / no time pips, IDs at :56 & :00

Densen Tainan / 電聲廣播電臺臺南 / :00 :00 / ID at :58 & jingle/ID at :00

Kaohsiung Radio / 高雄廣播電臺 / :00 :00 :00 / single beep followed by jingle

Radio Taiwan International / 中央廣播電臺 / :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips

[ 1100 kHz ]

BCC News Yuli / 中國廣播公司玉里第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin
Voice of Han Taipei / 漢聲廣播電臺臺北 / :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin
Voice of Han Yilan / 漢聲廣播電臺宜蘭 / :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin

Cheng Sheng Yunlin / 正聲廣播公司雲林 / :00 :00 / brief network jingle at :56 only

Taipei Radio / 臺北廣播電臺調幅臺 / :00 :00 :00 / selection of network jingles, single beep / Mandarin

Fisheries R. Penghu / 漁業廣播電臺澎湖 / :00 (Indo.) :00 (Tagalog) :00 :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips

BCC Country Nantou (Puli Relay) / 中國廣播公司埔里轉播臺第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
Hua Sheng 1st Taipei / 華聲廣播電臺第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / no time pips

BCC Country Miaoli / 中國廣播公司苗栗第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
BCC Country Yilan / 中國廣播公司宜蘭第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
Feng Min 1st Kaohsiung / 鳳鳴廣播電臺第一廣播部分高雄 / :00 :00 / station jingle

Kuo Sheng Erlin Twp. Relay / 國聲廣播電臺二林轉播臺 / :00 :00 / no time pips

BCC Country Hualien / 中國廣播公司花蓮第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
Taiwan R. Taipei 2nd / 臺灣廣播公司臺北第二廣播部份 / :00 (Viet.) :00 :00 / no time pips, IDs at :56 & :00
Voice of Victory 2nd Tainan / 勝利之聲廣播電臺第二廣播部份臺南 / :00 :00 / jingle with ID at :57 & :00, frequency at :57
[ 1200 kHz ]

Taiwan R. Hsinchu / 臺灣廣播公司新竹 / :00 (Tagalog) :00 (Thai/Indo.) :00 (Viet.) :00 :00 / no time pips, IDs at :56 & :00

BCC Country Kaohsiung / 中國廣播公司高雄第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
Hua Sheng 2nd Taipei / 華聲廣播電臺第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Chung Hwa 2nd Taipei (Ruifang Relay) / 中華廣播電臺第二廣播部分瑞芳轉播臺 / :00 :00 / IDs at :57 & :00

Yen Sheng Hualien / 燕聲廣播電臺花蓮 / :00 :00 / station jingle/ID at :57 & ID at :00

Voice of Han Kaohsiung (Cheng Ching Lake Relay) / 漢聲廣播電臺澄清湖轉播站 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin

Cheng Sheng Chiayi (Taibao Relay) / 正聲廣播公司嘉義太保轉播臺 / :00 :00 / IDs at :56 & :00

Voice of Han Penghu / 漢聲廣播電臺澎湖 / :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin

Voice of Han Taichung / 漢聲廣播電臺臺中 / :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin

BCC News Tainan / 中國廣播公司臺南第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin
Ming Pen 1st Taipei / 民本廣播電臺第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / jingle at :57 & ID at :00
[ 1300 kHz ]

Police Traffic Tainan / 警察廣播電臺交通網臺南 / :00 :00 / no time pips, sometimes station jingle
Tien Sheng Miaoli / 天聲廣播電臺苗栗 / :00 :00 / station jingle

Taiwan R. Taipei 1st / 臺灣廣播公司臺北第一廣播部份 / :00 (Tagalog) :00 (Thai/Indo.) :00 (Viet.) :00 :00 / no time pips, IDs at :56 & :00

Taiwan R. Zhongxing (Puli Relay) / 臺灣廣播公司中興埔里轉播臺 / :00 :00 / no time pips, AM630 IDs at :56 & :00
Voice of Han Kaohsiung / 漢聲廣播電臺高雄 / :00 :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin

BCC News Chiayi / 中國廣播公司嘉義第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin
Chung Hwa 1st Taipei / 中華廣播電臺第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Voice of Han Hualien / 漢聲廣播電臺花蓮 / :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin

Min Li 2nd Pingtung / 民立廣播電臺第二臺屏東 / :00 :00 / no time pips

Voice of Han Douliu / 漢聲廣播電臺斗六 / :00 :00 / musical chimes then station jingles / Mandarin

BCC Country Yuli / 中國廣播公司玉里第二廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle

Cheng Sheng Kaohsiung (Dafa Relay) / 正聲廣播公司高雄大發轉播臺 / :00 :00 / selection of network ID jingles at :56 & :00

[ 1400 kHz ]

Yi Shih Keelung / 益世廣播電臺基隆 / :00 :00 / station jingle at :58 & ID at :00

BCC News Miaoli / 中國廣播公司苗栗第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin
BCC News Nantou (Puli Relay) / 中國廣播公司埔里轉播臺第一廣播部分 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, English ID / Mandarin

Chien Kuo Taoyuan (Guanyin Relay) / 建國廣播電臺觀音轉播臺 / :00 :00 :00 / standard quiet 2+1 time pips or rooster crowing

Fuxing Kaohsiung / 福興廣播電臺高雄 / :00 :00 / no time pips

National Education Taipei / 國立教育廣播電臺臺北調幅臺 / :00 (French) :00 (German/Indo.) :00 (Eng.) :00 :00 / non-standard chime / Mandarin
[ 1500 kHz ]

Police Traffic Hsinchu / 警察廣播電臺交通網新竹 / :00 :00 / no time pips, sometimes station jingle

Heavy Metal Jammer / 重金屬音樂干擾器 / :00 / jammer against Firedrake
Radio Taiwan International / 中央廣播電臺 / :00 (sign-off) :00 (RFA) :00 (KBS) :00 :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips

Fisheries R. Yilan Relay / 漁業廣播電臺宜蘭轉播站 / :00 (Indo.) :00 (Tagalog) :00 :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
* Additional missing stations in Taiwan can be found on the following frequencies: 1215 (1 station) and 1278 (1 station).
Complete Frequency Lists: Hong Kong

RTHK Radio 3 / 香港電台第三台 / :00 (Tagalog) :00 (Nepali/Urdu) :00 :00 / standard 6+0 time pips, IDs at :00 & :05 / English

RTHK Putonghua Channel / 香港電台普通話台 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 6+0 time pips, IDs at :00 & :07 / Mandarin

CNR-14 Voice of Hong Kong / 中央人民广播电台香港之声 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Mandarin, Cantonese, Teochew, Hakka

RTHK Radio 5 / 香港電台第五台 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 6+0 time pips, IDs at :00 & :09 / Cantonese

Hong Kong Commercial / 香港商業電台英文台 豁達864 / :00 :00 / no time pips, IDs at :00, at :05 when news airs / English

Metro Plus / 新城電台 AM1044 / :00 (Tagalog) :00 (Hindi) :00 (Thai) :00 :00 / no time pips / English & Cantonese

RTHK Radio 3 / 香港電台第三台 / :00 (Tagalog) :00 (Nepali/Urdu) :00 :00 / standard 6+0 time pips, IDs at :00 & :05 / English
Complete Alphabetical List: China
The following is an alphabetical list of all stations in this guide. Included with each is the list of all frequencies the station can be heard on.
• Top-of-hour IDs: given on almost all stations between :00 and :05 and some at :30
• Time pips: varies between stations with “Beijing time” announcement, though the old standard is 5+1
The airwaves of China tend to be very predictable, making identifying Chinese stations an oftentimes rather simple task. The majority of stations broadcast time pips and a top-of-hour ID at :00, typically accompanied by advertisements. About half of all stations broadcast station IDs at :30 or within a few minutes of the half hour, while about 15% of all stations air time pips at :30 as well. These pips are often — but not always — different from those heard at the top of the hour; those with time pips on the half hour have been included in this guide. While time pips sometimes follow the standard Chinese pattern of 5+1 (5 short + 1 long), this is becoming less common, instead substituted by a variety of stylized (non-standard) pips and/or music as an alternative.
Government regulations — of which there are plenty in China — are the reason for stations here using certain sets of station formats and names unlike the variety of neighboring Taiwan. These may include news, comprehensive, economic, music, traffic, story, arts, opera, rural, culture, private car, and health, among a handful of others, or any combination of these. Comprehensive broadcasting, i.e., general content, has become the most popular format in the past ten years and quickly began taking over Chinese stations by 2013.
While the government regularly released frequency lists of government-approved AM and FM stations in the past, the abolishment of the State Administration of Press and Publication, Radio, Film, and Television (SAPPRFT) in March 2018 meant a total restructuring of the agency, thus renamed the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA), and broadcasting details became harder to obtain even for Chinese citizens. The new agency was less than forthcoming with administration details — as has been the trend in Chinese government in general in recent years — and has settled on releasing information regarding only station formats for each jurisdiction at or above the prefecture level, but minus the previously-available frequency allocations, which often change like the weather in China anyway. For this reason, this guide and many others online struggle to stay up-to-date and will undoubtedly include stations that have since gone off the air, as many local AM stations in China have been doing in recent years.
• China AM FM TV Database / 地级以上广播电视播出机构及频道频率名录(截至2023年11月10日)
Total number of stations: 566
Alxa Chinese Comprehensive / 阿拉善汉语综合广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 :30 (sign-on) / no time pips
Alxa Mongolian Comprehensive / 阿拉善蒙语综合广播 / 945 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Mongolian
Anhui Economic / 安徽经济广播 / 864 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 (8 tones) time pips
Anhui Life Voice of the City / 安徽城市之声 / 603 648 684 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Anhui News Comprehensive Voice of Anhui / 安徽新闻综合广播 安徽之声 / 936 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Anhui Opera / 安徽戏曲广播 / 801 1251 / :00 :00 / standard 0+1 time pip
Anhui Rural / 安徽农村广播 / 720 900 1008 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Anhui Story / 安徽故事广播 / 1395 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Anhui Traffic / 安徽交通广播 / 900 1098 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Anhui Voice of Anhui Expressway / 安徽高速之声 / 621 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips, English ID
Anqing Comprehensive / 安庆综合广播 / 1584 / :00 :00 / 15-tone musical jingle and single beep
Anshun News Comprehensive / 安顺新闻综合广播 / 666 1143 1521 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / 4-tone clock chime
Anyang News Emergency / 安阳新闻应急广播 / 882 / :00 :00 / no time pips, time announcements for :59
Anyang Traffic / 安阳交通广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 / standard high-pitched 5+1 time pips
Baicheng News Comprehensive / 白城新闻综合广播 / 1323 / :00 / no time pips
Baoding Economic / 保定经济广播 / 1017 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 time pips (7 tones total)
Baoding News / 保定新闻广播 / 1467 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Baoding Traffic / 保定交通广播 / 747 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Baoji Comprehensive / 宝鸡综合广播 / 1071 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Baoji Economic / 宝鸡经济广播 / 900 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, non-standard 2+1 at :30
Baotou Comprehensive / 包头综合广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Bayannur Comprehensive / 巴彦淖尔综合广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Bayingolin Chinese Comprehensive / 巴音郭楞汉语综合广播 / 819 / :00 :00 / standard shorter 4+1 time pips
Beihai News Comprehensive / 北海新闻综合广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Beijing News / 北京新闻广播 / 828 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Beijing Public Service / 北京城市广播 / 1026 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Beijing Story / 北京故事广播 / 603 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips
Beijing Youth / 北京青年广播 / 927 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Bengbu Economic / 蚌埠经济广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Bengbu News Comprehensive / 蚌埠新闻综合广播 / 765 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Binzhou Comprehensive / 滨州综合广播 / 864 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Binzhou Traffic Music / 滨州交通音乐广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / various catchy jingles
Bozhou News Comprehensive / 亳州新闻综合广播 / 999 / :00 :00 / standard 0+1 time pip
Cangzhou Arts / 沧州文艺(音乐)广播 / 801 846 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Cangzhou News / 沧州新闻广播 / 693 765 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Cangzhou Traffic / 沧州交通广播 / 1206 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Changchun City Life / 长春城市生活广播 / 648 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Changchun City Music / 长春都市音乐广播 / 1332 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Changchun News / 长春新闻广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Changchun Rural Opera / 长春乡村戏曲广播 / 585 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Changchun Voice of Traffic / 长春交通之声 / 1449 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Changde Traffic / 常德交通广播 / 1260 / :00 :00 / 4-tone bell chimes or simple chime, English ID
Changsha Music / 长沙音乐广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Changsha News / 长沙新闻广播 / 1323 / :00 :00 / clock ticking sound
Changshu News Comprehensive / 常熟新闻综合广播 / 927 1116 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 / music ending in single tone
Changshu Sound of Changshu / 常熟广播声动 / 747 / :00 :00 :30 / music ending in single tone
Changzhi Comprehensive / 长治综合广播 / 1521 1584 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Changzhou Economic / 常州经济广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 / standard fast 2+1 time pips, English ID
Changzhou Music / 常州音乐广播 / 927 / :00 :00 / standard long 2+1 time pips
Changzhou News Comprehensive / 常州新闻综合广播 / 846 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Chaoyang Economic / 朝阳经济广播 / 648 / :00 :00 / standard 0+1 time pip
Chaoyang News Comprehensive / 朝阳新闻综合广播 / 585 702 810 / :00 (sign-on) :00 / single beep
Chengde Comprehensive / 承德综合广播 / 1584 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Chengde Traffic Art / 承德交通文艺广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Chengdu News / 成都新闻广播 / 792 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Chenghai People’s / 澄海人民广播电台 / 1008 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Chaoshan
Chifeng Chinese Comprehensive / 赤峰汉语综合广播 / 747 1143 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Chifeng Mongolian Comprehensive / 赤峰蒙古语综合广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Mongolian
China Huayi / 中国华裔广播公司 / 873 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips
Chizhou Comprehensive / 池州新闻综合广播 / 801 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Chongqing Voice of Chongqing / 重庆之声 / 1314 1521 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Chuxiong Comprehensive / 楚雄综合广播 / 1287 1485 / :00 :00 / standard fast 2+1 or fast 3+1 time pips
Chuxiong Music / 楚雄音乐广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Chuzhou Arts & Tourism / 滁州文艺广播 & 滁州旅游交通广播 / 1377 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
CNR-1 Voice of China / 中央人民广播电台中国之声 / 540 549 567 585 603 621 630 639 648 657 711 747 756 783 801 846 873 900 909 927 945 981 999 1008 1017 1035 1053 1098 1134 1143 1170 1197 1206 1215 1242 1251 1260 1287 1305 1359 1368 1377 1395 1404 1440 1476 1485 1503 1521 1539 1557 1575 1593 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-2 China Business / 中央人民广播电台经济之声 / 603 630 684 693 720 747 828 855 900 927 945 981 1053 1098 1116 1143 1170 1206 1215 1251 1260 1287 1305 1323 1377 1521 1557 1575 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-3 Voice of Music / 中央人民广播电台音乐之声 / 603 846 1143 1521 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
CNR-5 Voice of the Taiwan Strait / 中央广播电视总台台海之声 / 549 765 837 1116 1269 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
CNR-6 Voice of Shenzhou / 中央人民广播电台神州之声 / 684 909 927 1089 1224 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / no time pips / Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka
CNR-7 Voice of The Greater Bay / 中央人民广播电台粤港澳大湾区之声 / 1215 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips / Cantonese, Hakka, Teochew
CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Korean / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / 612 666 720 855 1143 1215 1251 1305 1422 1431 1476 1566 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Korean
CNR-8 Ethnic Minority Mongolian / 中央人民广播电台民族之声 / 1143 1305 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Mongolian
CNR-10 Voice of the Elderly / 中央人民广播电台老年之声 / 1053 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-11 Tibetan / 中央人民广播电台藏语广播 / 540 585 612 630 720 783 846 855 900 945 981 1008 1098 1170 1206 1215 1278 1305 1323 1422 1458 1503 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan (Amdo, Khams, Ü-Tsang)
CNR-12 Voice of Reading / 中央人民广播电台阅读之声 / 747 / :00 :00 / no time pips
CNR-13 Uyghur / 中央人民广播电台维吾尔语广播 / 630 720 738 774 810 855 945 1026 1098 1143 1206 1233 1305 1494 1503 1539 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Uyghur
CNR-16 Voice of the Countryside / 中央人民广播电台中国乡村之声 / 720 1215 1251 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CNR-17 Kazakh / 中央人民广播电台哈萨克语广播 / 720 792 855 945 1098 1233 1260 1269 1422 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Kazakh
CRI Bengali / 中国国际广播电 / 1188 1269 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) / CRI top-of-hour music / Bengali
CRI Burmese / 中国国际广播电 / 1188 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Burmese
CRI Cambodian / 中国国际广播电 / 684 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) / CRI top-of-hour music / Cambodian
CRI Cantonese / 中国国际广播电 / 603 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) / no time pips / Cantonese
CRI China Plus Radio / 中国国际广播电台 / 846 1008 / :00 :00 / no time pips / English
CRI English (CGTN Radio) / 中国国际广播电 英语资讯广播 / 684 1080 1188 1269 1323 1341 / :00 :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / no time pips / English
CRI EZFM / 中国国际广播电台轻松调频 / 603 900 1251 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / English
CRI Hindi / 中国国际广播电 / 1188 1269 1422 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Hindi
CRI Japanese / 中国国际广播电 / 1044 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music except weekends / Japanese
CRI Korean / 中国国际广播电 / 1017 1323 / :00 :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Korean
CRI Lao / 中国国际广播电 / 1080 / :00 :30 (sign-on) / CRI top-of-hour music at :30 sign-on / Lao
CRI Mongolian / 中国国际广播电 / 1323 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Mongolian
CRI Nepalese / 中国国际广播电 / 1188 1269 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-on) :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Nepalese
CRI NewsRadio / CRI环球资讯 / 702 900 1008 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
CRI Russian / 中国国际广播电 / 963 1323 1521 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Russian
CRI Tagalog / 中国国际广播电 / 1341 / :30 :30 (sign-on) :30 (sign-on) / CRI top-of-hour music at :30 sign-on / Tagalog
CRI Thai / 中国国际广播电 / 1080 / :30 (sign-on) / CRI top-of-hour music at :30 sign-on / Thai
CRI Urdu / 中国国际广播电 / 1422 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Urdu
CRI Vietnamese / 中国国际广播电 / 603 684 1296 / :00 :00 / CRI top-of-hour music / Vietnamese
Dalian Comprehensive / 大连综合广播 / 882 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Dalian Finance / 大连财经广播 / 1152 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips over music
Dalian New Urban & Rural / 大连新城乡广播 / 1575 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Dali Comprehensive / 大理综合广播 / 1044 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Dandong News / 丹东新闻广播 / 1404 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Dandong Traffic / 丹东交通广播 / 891 / :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Datong Economic Arts / 大同经济文艺广播 / 1584 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Datong News Comprehensive / 大同新闻综合广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Daxing’anling Comprehensive / 大兴安岭综合广播 / 1278 / :00 :00 (Heilongj. News) :30 (sign-on) / no time pips
Dazhou Comprehensive / 达州综合广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Dehong Minority Comprehensive / 德宏民语综合广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Dai, Jingpo, Zaiwa
Deyang Comprehensive / 德阳综合广播 / 720 1098 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Dezhou News / 德州新闻广播 / 1008 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Dezhou Traffic Music / 德州交通音乐广播 / 1341 / :00 :00 / 12-tone musical jingle +1
Dingzhou Traffic Music / 定州交通音乐广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 :30 / 8-tone bell chimes
Diqing Comprehensive / 迪庆综合广播 / 675 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Dongying Comprehensive / 东营综合广播 / 1449 / :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips with music
Enshi News Comprehensive / 恩施新闻综合广播 / 1215 / :00 :00 / 8-tone clock chime imitation or standard 5+1
Fujian Economic / 福建经济台 / 603 801 927 1098 1206 1404 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, single beep at :30
Fujian News / 福建新闻广播 / 558 603 612 684 747 783 801 837 882 900 918 1008 1080 1206 1332 1368 1377 1386 1395 1404 1422 1431 1449 1467 1494 1521 1557 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, long 0+1 at :30
Fushun Comprehensive / 抚顺综合广播 / 684 / :00 :00 / standard longer 5+1 time pips
Fushun Music / 抚顺音乐广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Fuxin Mongolian / 阜新蒙古族自治县广播 / 846 / :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Fuxin News Comprehensive / 阜新综合广播 / 1287 / :00 :00 / standard fast 3+1 time pips
Fuzhou News / 福州新闻广播 / 1332 / :00 :00 :30 / 4 bell chimes over music
Gannan Comprehensive / 甘南综合广播 / 1134 1305 1332 / :00 (2nd sign-on) :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Gannan Tibetan / 甘南藏语广播 / 1197 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Tibetan
Gansu News Comprehensive / 甘肃新闻综合广播 / 684 747 873 1008 1080 1485 1575 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 time pips
Gansu Rural / 甘肃农村广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30
Ganzhou Comprehensive / 赣州综合广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Gongyi News / 巩义新闻广播 / 765 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 1+1 time pips or ticking and cuckoo clock
Gongzhuling Traffic Voice / 公主岭交通之声 / 1485 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Guangdong Cultural & Sports / 广东文体广播 / 612 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips / Cantonese
Guangdong News / 广东新闻广播 / 648 828 846 1017 1170 1206 1557 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Guangdong Pearl River Economic / 广东珠江经济电台 / 747 801 927 1008 1062 1143 1161 1503 1521 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Guangdong Sound of Music / 广东音乐之声 / 747 1008 1422 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 5-tone bell chime + 1 at :30, English ID / Cantonese
Guangdong Southern Life / 广东南方生活广播 / 999 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID / Cantonese
Guangdong Stock Market / 广东股市广播 财经927 / 927 1098 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Cantonese
Guangxi Economic Hostess / 广西经济广播女主播电台 / 846 1008 1098 1161 1224 1251 1575 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Guangxi Education / 广西教育广播 / 603 1143 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, single at :30
Guangxi Music / 广西音乐台 / 927 1098 1143 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Guangxi News / 广西新闻广播 / 792 846 1008 1071 1098 1440 1485 1575 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, small beep at :30
Guangxi Voice of Beibu Gulf / 广西北部湾之声 / 1008 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID / Zhuang
Guangyuan News Comprehensive / 广元新闻综合频率 / 621 1143 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips
Guangzhou Traffic / 广州交通广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30 / Cantonese
Guangzhou Youth / 广州青少年广播 广州MYFM / 1170 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID / Cantonese
Guilin News Comprehensive / 桂林新闻综合广播 / 1485 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Guiyang News Comprehensive / 贵阳新闻综合广播 / 999 / :00 :00 :30 / standard long 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Guizhou Economic / 贵州经济广播 / 603 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Guizhou News / 贵州新闻广播 / 765 927 1026 1143 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Haicheng Comprehensive / 海城新闻综合广播 / 900 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Hainan Livelihood / 海南民生广播 / 666 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30 / Hainanese
Hainan News / 海南新闻广播 / 954 1089 1107 1116 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Hami Chinese Comprehensive / 哈密汉语综合广播 / 1485 / :00 / no time pips
Handan Music / 邯郸音乐广播 / 1206 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Handan News Comprehensive / 邯郸新闻综合广播 / 963 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Handan Traffic / 邯郸交通广播 / 1008 1098 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Handan Urban Life / 邯郸都市生活广播 / 846 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hangzhou Old Friends / 杭州老朋友广播 / 954 / :00 :00 / 2+1 clock ticks and bell
Harbin Economic / 哈尔滨经济广播 / 972 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Harbin News / 哈尔滨新闻广播 / 837 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Hebei Economic / 河北经济广播 / 846 1098 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 musical time pips
Hebei Farmers / 河北农民广播 / 558 / :00 / no time pips
Hebei Life / 河北生活广播 / 747 783 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hebei Literature and Art / 河北文艺广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Hebei News / 河北新闻广播 / 783 1278 / :00 :00 / 0+1 time pip
Hebei Story / 河北故事广播 / 846 1125 1251 1521 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 musical time pips
Hebei Travel Culture / 河北旅游文化广播 / 603 1521 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Hebi News / 鹤壁新闻广播 / 1107 / :00 :00 / standard long 1+1 time pips
Hebi Traffic / 鹤壁交通广播 / 846 1206 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hefei Auto & Music / 合肥文艺广播汽车音乐电台 / 747 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips; formerly 2-tone doorbell
Hefei Information Yes 881 / 合肥资讯广播 / 846 / :00 :00 / non-standard 3 double beeps, English ID
Hefei News / 合肥新闻广播 / 666 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Hefei Story / 合肥故事广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 / standard long 2+1 time pips, English ID
Hefei Traffic / 合肥交通广播 / 1053 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / musical jingle; formerly 4+1 car horn time pips, English time announcement
Hegang Comprehensive / 鹤岗综合广播 / 1413 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Heilongjiang Korean / 龙广朝鲜语广播 / 873 1521 1584 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 :00 / 14-tone music bells; previously standard 5+1 pips / Korean
Heilongjiang News / 龙广新闻台 / 621 900 927 1341 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Heilongjiang Rural / 黑龙江乡村广播 / 945 1089 1143 1476 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, rarely IDs
Henan Audiovisual My Radio / 河南影视广播 / 1521 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips over music, English ID
Henan Economic / 河南经济广播 / 738 972 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Henan Education / 河南教育广播 / 927 1332 / :00 :00 / standard spread-out 2+1 time pips
Henan Information / 河南信息广播 河南电台乐龄 / 585 603 1098 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Henan News / 河南新闻广播 / 657 927 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Henan Opera / 河南戏曲广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Henan Rural Elephant Information / 河南农村大象资讯台广播 / 747 846 1521 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, no pips at :30; formerly 5+1, 3+1 at :30
Henan Traffic / 河南交通广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / standard faster 4+1 time pips
Henan Travel / 河南旅游广播 私家车999 / 747 900 1332 / :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, 3+1 at :30
Hengshui Comprehensive / 衡水综合广播 / 954 / :00 :00 / musical jingle
Hengshui Traffic Storytelling / 衡水交通评书广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 / musical jingle
Hengshui Voice of Lake City / 衡水湖城之声 / 738 747 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hengyang Comprehensive / 衡阳综合广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 pips or 3 rising musical tones
Heze News / 菏泽新闻广播 / 1197 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hohhot News Comprehensive / 呼和浩特新闻综合广播 / 945 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Honghe Comprehensive / 红河综合广播 / 702 1485 1521 / :00 :00 :30 :30 / non-standard 3+1 pips, 1+1 at :30, English content
Hotan Chinese Comprehensive / 和田汉语综合广播 / 1026 / :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Huai’an Economic / 淮安经济广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Huai’an News Comprehensive / 淮安新闻综合广播 / 801 / :00 :00 / non-standard 5+1 musical pips
Huai’an Traffic Arts / 淮安交通文艺 / 1521 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, standard fast 2+1 at :30
Huaibei Comprehensive / 淮北综合广播 / 1431 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, 2-tone bell at :30
Huainan News Comprehensive / 淮南新闻综合广播 / 648 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Huanggang News Comprehensive / 黄冈新闻综合广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Huangshan Comprehensive / 黄山综合广播 / 1431 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Huangshi Comprehensive / 黄石综合广播 / 963 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Hubei Chutian Music / 湖北楚天音乐广播 / 684 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, English ID
Hubei Chutian Traffic / 湖北楚天交通广播 / 711 801 846 900 927 1098 1215 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Hubei Classic Music / 湖北经典音乐广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Hubei Economic / 湖北经济广播 / 1053 1251 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Hubei Life / 湖北生活广播 / 711 801 900 1143 / :00 :00 / standard 5+0 time pips
Hubei Parent-Child / 湖北亲子广播 / 747 1206 / :00 :00 / child’s lullaby
Hubei Rural / 湖北农村广播 / 684 801 846 900 945 1143 1215 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Hubei Voice of Hubei / 湖北之声 / 747 774 900 1170 1404 1485 1521 1566 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Huizhou Traffic / 惠州交通广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Huludao Comprehensive / 葫芦岛综合广播 / 1242 / :00 :00 / standard 9+1 time pips
Hulun Buir Chinese Comprehensive / 呼伦贝尔汉语综合广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Hulun Buir Mongolian Comprehensive / 呼伦贝尔蒙语综合广播 / 954 / :00 :00 / single quiet beep / Mongolian
Hunan Economic / 湖南经广 / 900 / :00 :30 / standard faster 4+1 time pips
Hunan News Comprehensive / 湖南新闻综合频道 / 738 1152 1233 1242 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Huzhou Economic / 湖州经济广播 / 927 1521 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, single pip at :30
Huzhou News / 湖州新闻广播 湖州之声 / 873 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, 7-tone music at :30
Huzhou Traffic Arts / 湖州交通文艺广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, single pip at :30, English ID
Ili Chinese Comprehensive / 伊犁汉语综合广播 / 1134 / :00 :00 :00 / 7+1 musical time pips
Ili Uyghur Comprehensive / 伊犁维吾尔语综合广播 / 603 / :00 :00 / 4+1 slow time pips / Uyghur
Inner Mongolia Chinese News Comprehensive / 内蒙古汉语新闻综合广播 / 675 / :00 :00 / standard slightly shortened 5+1 time pips
Inner Mongolia Mongolian / 内蒙古蒙古语广播 / 1458 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Mongolian
Inner Mongolia Voice of the Green Field / 内蒙古绿野之声广播 / 1044 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, Mongolian ID
Jiamusi Comprehensive / 佳木斯综合广播 / 666 / :00 :00 / standard fast 2+1 time pips
Jiamusi Economic / 佳木斯经济广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 / standard slow 2+1 time pips
Jiangmen Travel Music / 江门旅游音乐 / 1206 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 1+1 time pips, single beep at :30, English ID / Cantonese
Jiangsu Arts / 江苏文艺广播 / 603 1053 1143 1557 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Jiangsu Health / 江苏健康广播 / 603 846 / :00 :00 :00 / two-tone bell chime
Jiangsu News Comprehensive / 江苏新闻综合广播 / 702 801 1314 1413 1602 / :00 :00 / 4-tone rising music
Jiangsu Story / 江苏故事广播 / 1206 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Jiangsu Traffic / 江苏交通广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 / 2+1 car horn pips, English ID
Jiangsu Voice of Jinling / 江苏广播网金陵之声 / 585 / :00 :00 :00 / 2+1 car horn pips
Jiangxi City / 江西都市广播 / 927 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jiangxi Comprehensive News / 江西综合新闻广播 / 729 1350 1449 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Jiangxi Livelihood / 江西民生广播 / 603 927 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jiaozuo News Comprehensive / 焦作新闻综合广播 / 828 / :00 :00 / single chime
Jiaxing Comprehensive / 嘉兴综合广播 / 1107 / :00 :00 / 8+1 musical chime jingle
Jiaxing Traffic / 嘉兴交通广播 / 657 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jieyang Tourism & Traffic / 揭阳旅游交通之声 / 1098 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / standard long 5+1 time pips, 1+1 at :30 / Chaoshan
Jilin City Comprehensive / 吉林市综合广播 / 927 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin City Economic / 吉林市经济广播 / 603 / :00 :00 / music box chimes
Jilin City Public Life / 吉林市大众生活广播 / 702 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Jilin Economic / 吉林经济广播 / 603 846 900 1143 1206 1557 1575 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Music / 吉林音乐广播 / 603 900 1143 1575 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin News Comprehensive / 吉林新闻综合广播 / 630 738 1008 1107 1143 1485 1530 1584 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Rural / 吉林乡村广播 / 846 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Tourism / 吉林旅游广播 / 1575 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jilin Traffic / 吉林交通广播 / 1008 1143 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jinan Arts / 济南文艺广播 / 1305 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jinan Economic / 济南经济广播 / 846 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Jinan News / 济南新闻广播 / 1053 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jinan Story / 济南故事广播 / 1512 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Jinchang Comprehensive / 金昌综合广播 / 585 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jincheng News Comprehensive / 晋城新闻综合广播 / 585 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jingdezhen News Comprehensive / 景德镇新闻综合广播 / 1467 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jingmen Comprehensive / 荆门综合广播 / 927 1161 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / no time pips; formerly 4-tone bell chimes
Jingzhou Comprehensive / 荆州综合广播 / 828 1368 1521 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jinhua Comprehensive / 金华综合广播 金华之声 / 675 / :00 :00 :30 / two-tone bell
Jinhua Rural Sunshine FM / 金华对农广播 阳光调频 / 1098 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, 3+1 at :30, partial English ID
Jining Comprehensive / 济宁综合广播 / 666 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Jining Music Life / 济宁音乐生活广播 / 1116 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jining Traffic / 济宁交通广播 / 801 945 / :00 :00 / single beep
Jinzhong Comprehensive / 晋中综合广播 / 1530 / :00 :00 / standard faster 5+1 time pips
Jinzhou Comprehensive / 锦州综合广播 / 666 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 or 2+1 time pips, single beep at :30
Jinzhou Economic / 锦州经济广播 / 774 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips
Jinzhou Traffic / 锦州交通广播 / 846 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30
Jixi Art Life / 鸡西文艺生活广播 / 1143 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 / no time pips
Jixi Comprehensive / 鸡西综合广播 / 1368 / :00 :00 / standard long 4+1 or 5+1 time pips
Jixi Traffic / 鸡西交通广播 / 1485 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Jiyuan News Comprehensive / 济源新闻综合广播 / 729 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / no time pips; formerly 2-tone bell, 1+0 time pip at :30
Kaifeng Comprehensive / 开封综合广播 / 873 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Kaiyuan Comprehensive / 开远综合广播 / 1575 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Karamay Chinese Comprehensive / 克拉玛依汉语综合广播 / 1179 / :00 :30 / no time pips, 8-tone bell at :30
Karamay Uyghur / 克拉玛依维吾尔语广播 / 882 / :00 (sign-off) :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur
Kuytun Comprehensive / 奎屯市融媒体中心综合广播 / 1485 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Langfang Comprehensive / 廊坊综合广播 畅行951 / 846 1008 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Langfang Music / 廊坊音乐广播 飞扬105 / 1521 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Lanzhou Life Art / 兰州生活文艺广播 / 954 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips with music
Leshan Comprehensive / 乐山综合广播 / 1476 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, 4-tone rising organ music + ding at :30
Lianyungang Comprehensive / 连云港综合广播 / 1458 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Lianyungang Music / 连云港音乐广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 / 6-tone musical jingle
Lianyungang Traffic / 连云港交通广播 / 900 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips
Liaocheng Comprehensive / 聊城综合广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Liaocheng Economic / 聊城经济广播 / 819 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Liaocheng Traffic / 聊城交通广播 / 1557 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Liaoning City / 辽宁都市广播 / 1341 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Liaoning Economic / 辽宁经济广播 / 801 900 999 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Liaoning Life / 辽宁生活广播 / 882 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Liaoning Rural / 辽宁乡村广播 / 810 927 1476 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Liaoning Share Classic Music / 辽宁经典音乐广播 / 747 801 810 1053 / :00 :00 / 5-tone musical jingle
Liaoning Voice of Liaoning / 辽宁之声 / 612 963 1089 1260 1557 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Liaoyang Comprehensive / 辽阳综合广播 / 837 / :00 (sign-on) / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Liaoyang Traffic Art / 辽阳交通文艺广播 / 1143 1503 / :00 :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Liaoyuan Comprehensive Arts / 辽源综合文艺广播 / 810 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Lingyuan Comprehensive / 凌源综合广播 / 801 / :00 :30 / standard slow 2+1 time pips
Linyi Comprehensive / 临沂综合广播 / 873 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Linyi Economic / 临沂经济广播 / 1557 / :00 :00 / non-standard 1+3+1 time pips (4-sec. pause after first)
Linyi Traffic Tourism / 临沂交通旅游广播 / 612 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Linyi Voice of the City / 临沂都市之声经济广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / standard spaced-out 4+1 time pips
Lishu Northern Sound of Music / 梨树北方音乐之声 梨树之声 / 1575 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Liupanshui Comprehensive / 六盘水综合广播 / 711 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Liuzhou Comprehensive / 柳州综合广播 / 1386 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Longkou People’s / 龙口人民广播电台 / 1557 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Longyan Comprehensive / 龙岩综合广播 / 747 / :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips
Lu’an Comprehensive / 六安综合广播 / 711 1170 1242 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Luohe Comprehensive / 漯河综合广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 / standard spaced-out 3+0 time pips in station ad
Luoyang Comprehensive / 洛阳综合广播 / 576 / :00 :00 / single clock chime
Luoyang Music / 洛阳音乐广播 / 1053 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Luoyang Traffic / 洛阳交通广播 / 1521 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips
Luzhou Comprehensive / 泸州综合广播 / 954 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Ma’anshan Dangtu County / 马鞍山当涂县广播电视台 / 1098 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Macheng Comprehensive / 麻城综合广播 / 1242 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Maoming Comprehensive / 茂名综合广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Cantonese
Meihekou Voice of the City / 梅河口城市之声 / 1584 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Mianyang News / 绵阳新闻广播 / 711 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Mudan Voice of Heze / 牡丹菏泽之声 / 1323 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / clock ticking with music (often gives Shandong Traffic IDs, incl. local content)
Mudanjiang Comprehensive / 牡丹江综合广播 / 684 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Mudanjiang Economic / 牡丹江经济广播 / 1476 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nanchang News Comprehensive / 南昌新闻综合广播 / 1278 / :00 :00 / 4 long + 1 short or 2 long + 1 short
Nanchong Comprehensive / 南充综合广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nanjing Economic / 南京经济广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / standard 4+0+1 time pips, English ID
Nanjing News Comprehensive / 南京新闻综合广播 / 1008 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nanjing Public UP FM 96.6 / 南京城市管理广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nanjing Sports / 南京体育广播 / 801 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nantong Comprehensive / 南通综合广播 / 1233 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Nantong Economic / 南通经济广播 / 603 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nantong Traffic / 南通交通广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Nanyang City / 南阳城市广播 / 585 / :00 :00 :30 / 4+3 musical clock chimes
Nanyang News / 南阳新闻广播 / 846 / :00 :00 :30 / single bell tone, musical chime at :30
Neijiang Comprehensive / 内江综合广播 / 1278 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Neijiang Traffic / 内江交通广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Ningbo Economic / 宁波经济广播 / 711 / :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 / music snippet & 3-tone chime, 2+1 at :30, English ID; formerly no pips at :00
Ningbo Elderly & Youth / 宁波老少广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 pips then musical jingle + single beep (same as 1251 Puyang)
Ningbo News Comprehensive / 宁波新闻综合广播 / 1323 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips with music, 12-tone musical jingle +1 at :30
Ningbo Traffic / 宁波交通广播 / 612 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Ningxia Economic / 宁夏经济广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Ningxia News / 宁夏新闻广播 / 891 900 1008 1206 1287 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips, English ID
Noise Jammers & Firedrake / 噪音干扰器 & 火龙 / 1098 1557 / :00 :00 :00 :00 (noise) :00 (noise) :00 (noise) :30 (noise) / jammers vs. RTI
Nujiang Comprehensive / 怒江综合广播 / 558 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Ordos Chinese Comprehensive / 鄂尔多斯汉语综合广播 鄂尔多斯之声 / 1170 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Ordos Mongolian Comprehensive / 鄂尔多斯蒙语综合广播 / 945 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Mongolian
Panjin Comprehensive / 盘锦综合广播 / 1485 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Panzhihua Comprehensive / 攀枝花综合广播 / 711 / :00 :00 / 2-tone clock chime
Pingdingshan News Comprehensive / 平顶山新闻综合广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Pingdingshan Traffic / 平顶山交通广播 / 1521 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Pingxiang Comprehensive / 萍乡综合广播 / 603 1107 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Puyang News / 濮阳新闻广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 / musical jingle + single beep (same as 1251 Ningbo)
Qiannan Comprehensive / 黔南综合广播 / 882 / :00 :00 (Guizhou Comp. News) :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, 5+1 for Guizhou News
Qingdao Arts / 青岛文艺广播 / 846 / :00 :00 :30 / non-standard musical 3+1 pips + ding, single pip/music at :30
Qingdao Economic / 青岛经济广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 / “na” x8 song
Qingdao News Comprehensive / 青岛新闻综合广播 / 819 1377 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Qingdao Story / 青岛故事广播 / 1008 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips with 4-tone clock chimes
Qingdao Traffic / 青岛交通广播 / 900 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 3+0 at :30
Qinghai Economic / 青海经济广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Qinghai Tibetan / 青海藏语广播 / 603 801 900 1017 1170 1206 1215 1251 1539 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips / Tibetan
Qinghai Voice of Qinghai / 青海新闻综合广播 青海之声 / 621 666 711 1008 1017 1215 1395 1575 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Qinghe People’s / 清河人民广播电台 / 1296 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips
Qingzhou People’s / 青州人民广播电台 / 1170 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 0+1 time pip
Qinhuangdao Comprehensive / 秦皇岛综合广播 / 990 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Qinhuangdao Life / 秦皇岛生活广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Qinhuangdao Private Car / 秦皇岛私家车广播 / 603 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Qiqihar Comprehensive / 齐齐哈尔综合广播 / 1197 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Qiqihar Rural / 齐齐哈尔乡村广播 / 585 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Qitaihe Comprehensive / 七台河综合广播 / 1062 / :00 / standard 3+0 time pips
Quanzhou News / 泉州新闻广播 / 576 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips
Qujing Comprehensive / 曲靖综合广播 / 1521 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Quzhou Comprehensive / 衢州综合广播 / 711 / :00 :00 / 4-tone rising music
Quzhou Traffic / 衢州交通广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 :00 :30 / musical jingle finishing with ding
Renqiu News Comprehensive / 任丘新闻综合频率 / 864 1287 / :00 :00 :00 :30 :30 (sign-on) / no time pips
Rizhao Comprehensive / 日照综合广播 / 1197 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Rizhao Music / 日照音乐广播 / 1557 / :00 :00 / 4-tone bell chimes, English ID
Rizhao Traffic Life / 日照交通生活广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Rui’an People’s / 瑞安人民广播 / 1584 / :00 :00 :30 / standard fast 2+1 time pips
Sanmenxia Comprehensive / 三门峡综合广播 / 801 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shaanxi City / 陕西都市广播 / 1008 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shaanxi Economic Private Car / 陕西经济汽车广播 / 603 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips, English ID
Shaanxi Music / 陕西音乐广播 / 1143 1251 1575 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shaanxi News / 陕西新闻广播 / 693 1008 1143 1521 / :00 :00 / standard faster 5+1 time pips
Shaanxi Opera / 陕西戏曲广播 / 747 801 1557 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shaanxi Rural / 陕西农村广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / 7-tone rising music chimes
Shaanxi Story / 陕西故事广播 / 603 1098 / :00 :00 / 2 clock pips followed by ticking
Shaanxi Traffic / 陕西交通广播 / 1323 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips with music
Shandong Comprehensive / 山东综合广播 / 603 891 918 1215 1467 1485 1548 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Shandong Country / 山东乡村广播 / 621 999 1251 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30
Shandong Economic / 山东经济广播 / 594 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Shanghai CBN / 第一财经广播 / 603 1422 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shanghai News / 上海新闻广播 / 990 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shanghai Opera / 上海戏曲广播 / 1197 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shanghai Story / 上海故事广播 / 927 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shanghai Traffic / 上海交通广播 / 648 / :00 :00 / non-standard 2+1 time pips, Shanghainese ID
Shanghai Voice of the Yangtze Delta / 上海广播长三角之声 / 792 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shangqiu News Comprehensive / 商丘新闻综合广播 / 729 / :00 :00 :00 (Henan News) / 6+1+3+1 time pips
Shangqiu Traffic / 商丘交通广播 / 927 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Shantou Comprehensive / 汕头综合广播 / 1080 / :00 :00 / 2 long spread-out time pips in ID / Chaoshan
Shanxi Comprehensive / 山西综合广播 / 819 846 900 1269 / :00 :30 / standard short 2+1 time pips
Shanxi Rural / 山西农村广播 / 612 747 1008 1098 1206 1422 1503 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Shaoguan Comprehensive / 韶关综合广播 / 765 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shaoxing Comprehensive / 绍兴综合广播 / 738 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Shaoxing Traffic / 绍兴交通广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 :30 / 5 musical car beeps then car starting
Shenyang News / 沈阳新闻广播 / 792 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shenzhen Life / 深圳生活广播 / 1287 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Shenzhen Music / 深圳音乐广播 深圳飞扬971 / 1008 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shenzhen News / 深圳新闻广播 深圳先锋898 / 900 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shihezi Comprehensive / 石河子综合广播 / 891 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / no time pips
Shijiazhuang Economic / 石家庄经济广播 / 1431 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Shijiazhuang News / 石家庄新闻广播 / 882 / :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 time pips
Shijiazhuang Rural / 石家庄农村广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Shiyan Comprehensive / 十堰综合广播 / 1485 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Shizuishan Comprehensive / 石嘴山综合广播 / 1008 / :00 :00 :30 / music jingles (incl. 12-tone +1) followed by long beep
Shuangyashan Comprehensive / 双鸭山综合广播 / 1179 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Shuozhou Voice of Shuozhou / 朔州之声 / 1485 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Sichuan Comprehensive Voice of Sichuan / 四川综合广播 四川之声 / 612 909 1008 1116 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID
Sichuan Ethnic Minorities / 四川民族频率 / 1521 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID / Tibetan (Amdo & Khams), Yi
Siping Comprehensive / 四平综合广播 / 666 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Songyuan News Comprehensive / 松原新闻综合广播 / 1431 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Songyuan Traffic Art / 松原交通文艺广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Southeast China / 中国东南广播公司 / 585 1008 / :00 (sign-on) :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Suihua Comprehensive / 绥化综合广播 / 1080 / :00 / no time pips
Suining Comprehensive / 遂宁综合广播 / 1260 1296 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Suizhou Comprehensive / 随州综合广播 / 1008 1584 / :00 :00 / non-standard 5+1 time pips
Suzhou Life / 苏州生活广播 / 1557 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Suzhou Music / 苏州音乐广播 / 603 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Suzhou News Comprehensive / 宿州新闻综合广播 / 684 1071 1080 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Suzhou Opera / 苏州戏曲广播 / 846 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Taiyuan Comprehensive / 太原综合广播 / 1422 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Taizhou News Comprehensive / 泰州新闻综合广播 / 1341 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Taizhou Traffic / 泰州交通广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 / 5-tone musical jingle
Tangshan Economic Life / 唐山经济生活广播 / 801 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Tangshan News Comprehensive / 唐山新闻综合广播 / 684 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Tangshan Novel Entertainment / 唐山小说娱乐广播 曹妃甸之声 / 900 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Tangshan Traffic Art / 唐山交通文艺 / 1143 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English ID and time
Tianjin Arts / 天津文艺广播 / 1008 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Tianjin Binhai / 天津滨海广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Tianjin Crosstalk / 天津相声广播 / 567 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Tianjin Economic / 天津经济广播 / 1071 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Tianjin Life / 天津生活广播 / 1386 / :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Tianjin Music / 天津音乐广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Tianjin News / 天津新闻广播 / 909 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Tianjin Novel / 天津小说广播 / 666 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Tianshui Comprehensive / 天水综合广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Tonghua Comprehensive / 通化综合广播 / 909 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Tongliao Chinese Comprehensive / 通辽汉语综合广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Tongliao Mongolian Comprehensive / 通辽蒙语综合广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Mongolian
Tongliao Traffic Art / 通辽交通文艺广播 / 954 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Tongling News Comprehensive / 铜陵新闻综合广播 / 1107 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Urumqi News / 乌鲁木齐新闻广播 / 792 / :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Urumqi Traffic / 乌鲁木齐交通广播 / 927 / :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips
Urumqi Uyghur Traffic Art / 维吾尔语交通文艺广播 / 1071 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur
Voice of the Strait Minnan / 海峡之声闽南话广播 / 783 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Minnan
Voice of the Strait News / 海峡之声新闻广播 / 666 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Wafangdian News Comprehensive / 瓦房店新闻综合广播 / 1323 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Weifang News / 潍坊新闻广播 / 1161 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Weifang Private Car / 潍坊私家车广播 / 1287 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Weifang Traffic / 潍坊交通广播 / 846 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Weihai News Comprehensive / 威海新闻综合广播 / 1206 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Weihai Traffic / 威海交通广播 / 1557 / :00 :00 / 12-tone musical jingle +1, English ID
Weinan News / 渭南广播电视台 / 747 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips, chime at :30
Wenzhou Economic / 温州经济广播 / 801 / :00 / no time pips
Wenzhou News / 温州新闻广播 / 666 / :00 :00 / standard 3+0 time pips
Wuhai Comprehensive / 乌海综合广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / standard 0+1 time pip
Wuhan Economic / 武汉经济广播 / 900 981 1125 1206 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips, English ID
Wuhan News / 武汉新闻广播 / 873 1098 1242 1251 1359 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30
Wuhan Traffic / 武汉交通广播 / 603 / :00 :00 :30 / music chimes, standard 2+1 at :30, English ID
Wuhu News Comprehensive / 芜湖新闻综合广播 / 1494 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30
Wuxi Economic / 无锡经济广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips, English ID
Wuxi Music / 无锡音乐广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / 5-tone descending music then single cuckoo
Wuxi News Comprehensive / 无锡新闻综合广播 / 1161 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Wuxi Traffic / 无锡交通广播 / 1008 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips
Wuzhou Comprehensive / 梧州综合广播 / 1485 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips, 0+1 at :30 / Cantonese
Xiamen Comprehensive / 厦门综合广播 / 1107 1422 1557 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English content
Xiamen Economic Traffic / 厦门经济交通广播 / 1278 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 1+0 at :30
Xiamen Music / 厦门音乐广播 / 1098 1206 1503 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Xiamen Travel / 厦门旅游广播 / 1008 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xiamen Voice of Minnan / 厦门闽南之声广播 / 801 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Minnan
Xi’an News / 西安新闻广播 / 810 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Xiangyang Comprehensive / 襄阳综合广播 襄阳之声 / 1098 1314 1521 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 time pips (last 2 pips close together)
Xianning Comprehensive / 咸宁综合广播 / 1314 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xianyang People’s / 咸阳人民广播电台 / 1296 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xilingol Chinese Comprehensive / 锡林郭勒汉语综合广播 / 945 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xilingol Mongolian Comprehensive / 锡林郭勒蒙语综合广播 / 1170 / :00 / standard 3+1 time pips / Mongolian
Xingtai Comprehensive / 邢台综合广播 / 1188 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xingtai Economic Life / 邢台经济生活广播 / 927 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xining News Comprehensive / 西宁新闻综合广播 / 1476 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Xinji Media Center Comprehensive / 辛集融媒体中心综合广播 / 873 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xinjiang Comprehensive / 新疆综合广播 / 603 675 684 702 738 999 1098 1143 1494 / :00 :00 :00 (sign-off) / standard 5+1 time pips
Xinjiang Kazakh / 新疆哈萨克语广播 / 963 972 1044 1107 1143 1233 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kazakh
Xinjiang Kyrgyz / 新疆柯尔克孜语广播 / 684 / :00 (sign-on) :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kyrgyz
Xinjiang Kyrgyz/Mongolian / 新疆柯尔克孜语/蒙古语广播 / 909 1233 / :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Kyrgyz & Mongolian
Xinjiang Mongolian / 新疆蒙古语广播 / 1593 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Mongolian
Xinjiang Uyghur Comprehensive / 新疆维吾尔语综合广播 / 558 603 846 855 1044 1143 1413 1557 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Uyghur
Xinxiang Comprehensive / 新乡综合广播 / 801 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xinxiang Traffic / 新乡交通广播 / 1521 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xinyang Comprehensive / 信阳综合广播 / 837 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xinyu Comprehensive / 新余综合广播 / 585 / :00 (sign-on) :00 / no time pips
Xishuangbanna Comprehensive / 西双版纳综合广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xizang Chinese / 西藏汉语频道 / 639 783 846 855 936 981 999 1260 1278 1323 1377 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xizang Khams / 西藏康巴话广播 / 783 / :00 :00 / no time pips / Khams Tibetan
Xizang Tibetan / 西藏藏语广播 / 540 594 639 720 855 936 981 1134 1548 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips / Tibetan
Xuancheng News Comprehensive / 宣城新闻综合广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Xuchang Comprehensive / 许昌综合广播 / 1287 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Xuzhou Music / 徐州音乐广播 / 801 / :00 :00 / 4 clock ticks into various time jingles, English ID
Xuzhou News Comprehensive / 徐州新闻综合广播 / 1269 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Xuzhou Traffic / 徐州交通广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 / chime followed by standard 3+1 time pips
Yanbian Chinese News Comprehensive / 延边汉语新闻综合广播 / 1053 1233 1422 1566 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Yanbian Korean News / 延边朝鲜语广播 / 585 603 1071 1188 1206 1251 1476 1566 / :00 (sign-on) :00 (sign-off) :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 time pips / Korean
Yancheng Classic FM / 盐城经典调频 / 900 / :00 :00 :00 / small single tink sound (noon only)
Yancheng News / 盐城新闻广播 / 1026 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 time pips; formerly 3+1 & 4+1, English ID
Yancheng Traffic / 盐城交通广播 / 747 1251 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips
Yangquan Comprehensive / 阳泉综合广播 / 603 1485 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 2+1 or 5+1 time pips, 2+0 at :30, English ID
Yangzhou Music / 扬州音乐频率 / 801 / :00 :00 / non-standard 3 pips into 5-tone music
Yangzhou News / 扬州新闻广播 / 1179 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, partial English ID
Yangzhou Traffic / 扬州交通广播 / 1521 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips
Yanji Voice of Arirang / 延吉阿里郎之声 아리랑방송 / 900 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips / Korean
Yantai Comprehensive / 烟台综合广播 / 1314 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Yantai Music / 烟台音乐广播 / 801 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yichang News Comprehensive / 宜昌新闻综合广播 / 621 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yinchuan Comprehensive / 银川综合广播 / 801 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yingkou Economic Life / 营口经济生活广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / 4-tone clock chimes
Yingkou News Comprehensive / 营口新闻综合广播 / 1026 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Yingkou Traffic Art / 营口交通文艺广播 / 1143 / :00 / 6-tone musical jingle
Yiyang Comprehensive / 益阳综合频道 益阳之声 / 1008 1053 / :00 :00 / musical snippet
Yizheng People’s / 仪征人民广播电台 / 1026 / :00 :00 :00 / 12-tone musical jingle +1, formerly 4+1
Yueyang News Comprehensive / 岳阳新闻综合广播 / 693 1053 / :00 (sign-on) :00 :00 :00 / no time pips
Yulin Comprehensive / 榆林综合广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 / non-standard 2+1 time pips
Yuncheng Comprehensive / 运城综合广播 / 1566 / :00 :00 / 5-tone bell chime then 8-tone bell chime
Yunnan Economic / 云南经济广播 / 846 1053 1143 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Yunnan Music / 云南音乐广播 / 747 846 1053 1098 1251 / :00 :00 / single ding time pip
Yunnan News / 云南新闻广播 / 576 603 846 927 990 1008 1251 1395 1485 1575 1584 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Yunnan Voice of Traffic / 云南交通之声 / 603 927 1098 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips, English ID
Yuxi News Comprehensive / 玉溪新闻综合广播 / 1251 / :00 :00 / standard longer 4+1 time pips
Zaozhuang Comprehensive / 枣庄综合广播 / 1170 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zaozhuang Economic Life / 枣庄经济生活广播 / 603 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zaozhuang Traffic Art / 枣庄交通文艺广播 / 747 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Zhangjiagang Music / 张家港音乐广播 / 1521 / :00 :00 / standard 4+1 time pips, English content
Zhangjiagang Traffic / 张家港交通广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 / no time pips, English content
Zhangjiakou Agricultural Economics / 张家口农业经济广播 / 603 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 3+1 time pips
Zhangjiakou Comprehensive / 张家口综合广播 / 1566 / :00 :00 / single cuckoo, English ID
Zhangjiakou Variety / 张家口综艺广播 / 900 / :00 :00 :00 / 2-tone bell chime or standard 3+1 time pips
Zhaotong News Comprehensive / 昭通新闻综合广播 / 621 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Zhaotong Traffic Travel / 昭通交通旅游广播 / 846 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhejiang Livelihood Information / 浙江民生资讯广播 / 900 / :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 7-tone music pips at :30
Zhejiang Music FM / 浙江音乐调频 / 1071 / :00 :00 / no time pips, partial English ID
Zhejiang News / 浙江新闻广播 / 1530 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, fast 2+1 at :30, English ID
Zhejiang Quality Life / 浙江品质生活广播 女主播电台 / 603 1251 / :00 :00 / 5-tone music chime
Zhejiang Voice of Traffic / 浙江交通之声 / 1521 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips, English ID
Zhejiang Voice of Zhejiang / 浙江之声 / 531 576 810 864 1080 1134 1143 1287 1476 1503 1521 / :00 :00 :30 / 7-tone music chime
Zhengzhou Culture, Sports & Tourism / 郑州文体旅游广播 / 1008 1458 / :00 :00 :00 :00 / non-standard 4+1 time pips (8 tones total)
Zhengzhou Economic Life / 郑州经济生活广播 / 711 / :00 :00 / standard fast 3+1 time pips
Zhengzhou News / 郑州新闻广播 / 549 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhenjiang Comprehensive / 镇江综合广播 / 1224 / :00 :00 / 3 bell chimes with clock ticks
Zhenjiang Traffic / 镇江交通广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhongshan Happy / 中山电台快乐888 / 747 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 pips, ticking clock at :30 / Cantonese
Zhoukou Comprehensive / 周口综合广播 / 828 / :00 :00 :30 / no time pips at :00, standard 3+1 at :30
Zhoushan Arts / 舟山文艺广播 / 900 / :00 :00 / standard long 3+0 time pips
Zhoushan News Comprehensive / 舟山新闻综合广播 / 684 747 / :00 :00 / standard long 3+1 time pips
Zhoushan Traffic Economic / 舟山交通经济广播 / 1098 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zhuanghe People’s / 庄河人民广播电台 / 1440 / :00 :00 / small buzz noise, English ID
Zhuhai Music / 珠海音乐广播 / 612 / :00 :00 / standard 2+1 time pips
Zhumadian Comprehensive / 驻马店综合广播 / 810 / :00 :00 / standard 3+1 time pips
Zhumadian Economic / 驻马店经济广播 / 1053 / :00 :00 / non-standard 3+1 heartbeat sound time pips
Zhuzhou News / 株洲新闻广播 / 1089 / :00 :00 / no time pips
Zibo Comprehensive / 淄博综合广播 / 1143 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30, English ID
Zibo Economic / 淄博经济广播 / 801 / :00 :00 / standard 5+1 time pips
Zibo Traffic Music / 淄博交通音乐广播 / 1476 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 4+1 time pips, English ID
Zigong Comprehensive / 自贡综合广播 / 1422 / :00 :00 / ticking clock or single bell ring
Zunyi Comprehensive / 遵义综合广播 / 1584 / :00 :00 :30 / standard 5+1 time pips, 2+1 at :30

Complete Alphabetical List: Taiwan
• Top-of-hour IDs: given on stations primarily between :56 and :00; some stations exclude the ID at :00
• Time pips: very rare with only a few broadcasting pips depending on station programming
Taiwan has a variety of stations, programming, and languages. With the programming variety, the airwaves in Taiwan are also drastically less standard than those in China. This includes differences in time pips, top-of-hour IDs, and network programming, not to mention most stations broadcasting in Taiwanese, part of the Minnan language group.
One main difference in Taiwan is that stations using the same network names rarely broadcast the same programming at the same time, i.e., most do not run parallel as one would expect of stations broadcasting as part of the same network. Further complicating this issue is that some stations air on different frequencies using the same station name, but air different programming. While some differentiate between different audio feeds with names such as “1st Program” and “2nd Program,” others such as Yen Sheng — airing different programming on two frequencies with the same name and from the same tower — do not. Widespread networks such as Cheng Sheng and Taiwan Radio broadcast to many different cities across Taiwan, but these stations also typically do not run parallel. Though the top-of-hour IDs are generally similar with the same network jingle, programming and individual station IDs differ. Stations officially marked as relays also oftentimes do not broadcast parallel to any parent station, as is especially the case with Taiwan Radio. Other networks, such as BCC Country, BCC News, Fisheries Radio, Voice of Kuanghua, and Voice of Han (Han Sheng), run almost entirely parallel all across Taiwan with a few exceptions. This guide has done its best to present the following stations in a way that accurately portrays these situations, including audio IDs of as many individual stations as possible, even in the case of nationwide parallel programming.
Another very important difference to note about Taiwanese stations comes at the top of the hour. A majority of stations in Taiwan give their official top-of-hour ID two to four minutes prior to the top of the hour. While some give an additional ID at :00 — whether a jingle or spoken word ID — it is certainly not guaranteed.
Broadcasting an ID only at :55: Both Cheng Sheng stations in Taichung broadcast a brief locally-based station jingle including frequency and station name at :55 only.
Broadcasting an ID at both :56 and :00: Cheng Sheng network stations (excluding Taichung) and all Taiwan Radio stations broadcast IDs at :56 and again at :00.
Broadcasting an ID at :57: Chengkung Kaohsiung, Hua Sheng 2nd Program, Voice of Victory, Ming Pen 1st and 2nd programs (at both :57 and :00), and Yen Sheng (at both :57 and :00); Chung Hwa stations may run IDs at :57.
Broadcasting an ID at both :58 and :00: Densen Tainan and Yi Shih Keelung broadcast IDs at both :58 and :00.
These station IDs prior to the top of the hour are included in this guide as often as possible for each respective station with all content between the early ID and the top of the hour included.
• Taiwan AM Station Database (NCC, January 2024)
• Taiwan AM FM SW Station Tower Map / .kmz (Miller Liu, Dan Jacobson, 2020)
Total number of stations: 65
BCC Country / 中國廣播公司第二廣播部分 / 711 927 963 1008 1017 1035 1152 1161 1188 1224 1386 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
BCC i Go / 中國廣播公司臺北新聞暨服務 / 531 / :00 :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
BCC News / 中國廣播公司第一廣播部分 / 630 648 720 819 855 864 882 1116 1296 1350 1413 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle, some English IDs / Mandarin
BCC Taichung Service / 中國廣播公司臺中新聞暨服務 / 1062 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle and/or rising then falling musical chimes
BCC Tainan Service / 中國廣播公司臺南新聞暨服務 / 891 / :00 :00 / 7-tone musical jingle
Chengkung Kaohsiung / 成功廣播電臺高雄 / 936 / :00 :00 :00 / no time pips, IDs at :57 & :00
Cheng Sheng Chiayi / 正聲廣播公司嘉義 / 855 / :00 :00 / selection of network ID jingles at :56 & :00
Cheng Sheng Chiayi (Taibao Relay) / 正聲廣播公司嘉義太保轉播臺 / 1260 / :00 :00 / IDs at :56 & :00