There’s a lot to see in the world! Click on the map below to get a closer look at what I’ve seen, and maybe what you should see too!
For twenty years, I’ve been taking road trips, driving back and forth to see family, and traveling the Great Lakes region in pursuit of studying signals as part of my radio hobby. When the major routes were traveled, I moved onto alternate routes. When the alternate routes had been experienced, I moved onto driving through small towns. The result was having visited nearly every county in some regions, including Michigan, Wisconsin, New York, Ontario, Florida, and much of New England. Some of the counties I never imagined I would visit, I have now visited three or four times. I count these as major accomplishments of my life.
I’ve always been curious about my surroundings and the differing regional behaviours, dialects, and lives that ordinary people live (I can admit I’m not especially ordinary). As I’ve always been into making maps since a young age, it’s only fitting to map out my explorations of this continent.
If I’m taking a trip somewhere, I always try my best to take a different route every time, even if it means taking the slower route and pitching my tent at a cheap campground along the way. You never know what full-building murals you’ll bump into or what awesome small town you’ll find yourself in that you never knew existed.