The Gear Up Landing - No News is Good News

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Your name was whispered in secret
Hidden in frequencies trying to keep it
Keep it from leaking out
But we've already dwelt on it in our darkest thoughts.
I want you to know that we
Prayed for you frequently
Begging for mercy that he
Wouldn't lay a hand on you
That we would just see you again soon
No this is not a test and there is no time to retrace or rewind,
Only step back and try to find
Any clue that would lead us closer to you
We just prayed that he wouldn't hurt you
We just prayed that he wouldn't hurt you

This is not a test and there is no time to retrace or rewind,
Only step back and try to find
Any clue that would lead us closer to you
We just prayed that he wouldn't hurt you
We just prayed that we'd see you again soon

Chorus (x2)
We fall we call your name out loud
We go down down down weeping to the grave for her

... for her

Virginia where have all those flowers gone?
The Devil came in the night
He pulled them up before they could blossom
Virginia where have all those flowers gone?
They've all been laid on the graves of the headstones of your daughters

These kinds of things don't happen to the people that we know
These kinds of things don't happen to the people we love
These kinds of things don't happen to the people that we know
These things should never have happened to...
These things shouldn't happen to you

Chorus (x2)
We fall we call your name out loud
We go down down down weeping to the grave for her.

... for her
... for her

Michelle where are you now?
You were so lost then we found you out watching the stars while you laid with your back on the ground
Your head in the clouds
Well your're safe from him now
Safe from him now
Do you remember when
We took the train to Berlin and you sung in my ears while I slept with my head on the sill
Well are you singing still?
I hope your singing now

Chorus (x4)
We fall we call your name out loud
We go down down down weeping to the grave for her.

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